So having been a delegate for a music week event was actually amazing. I can never thank Nordiksimit enough to give me this chance.
There are still some articles coming out as they are getting O.K-s from the managers and people, but for now, I think I will share some pics I took at the event with the people I actually met and had interviews with.
Pom Poko had quite a small show as it was pretty much the first gig of the week, but the energy was amazing. I fell in love again and again!
My new friends from The Magnettes. Really great guys. Loved hanging out with them, and can't wait to see them again. Fun fact - they were performing in Estonia one other time for like a private showcase, and approached our PRESIDENT (they didn't know it was him), as they tend to mingle the crowd during the gigs. Fantastic.
My mentor in how one badass female artist should look at the music industry - Hildur from Iceland. Love her. Really badly want to go to Iceland's music fest in November. Fingers crossed!
Also, do not forget to read the actual pieces on the Nordiksimit page, as this is growing and I am really super excited for further plans.
I will probably do a more throughout post, if anyone is still interested.
For now, I will go and head to vegan baking event that is collecting money for "invisible animals" and take some pics there. Also have some fantastic pastries.
Talk to you soon.