24 hours and 3 oatmeals

11:08:00 PM

I had an opportunity to spend some time home alone (my sister went to my parents') and thus I decided to do another challenge to blog about.

I am still obsessed with porridge, especially with the sweet kind and for breakfast. For this challenge I decided to try eating it for 3 times per day, and make savoury porridge for lunch.

I of course used my favourite brand oat's, Veski Mati's.


For breakfast I of course picked sweet oatmeal. I made it with banana and milk and added some frozen mango. Also topped it with nuts-seeds-raisins-goji berries, for it to be more filling. Also added some vanilla flavoured drops. Mmmm.

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At the moment I feel like I could eat this exact thing for 3 times. :D


About this, I was the most doubtful and it took me a long time to make a decision about what to have. Finally I decided to have salty oatmeal with mushrooms and onion! I googled a lot of recipes, and discovered that a lot of people make it with mushrooms and cheese, it sounded good. Firstly I thought of making it with sun dried tomatoes, but as you all know, mushrooms are my recent obsession.

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It wasn't actually disgusting, but it also is something I would not like to try again. :D During every bite I expected sweet taste, but it was savoury, really strange. :D Oatmeal texture bothered me a bit and during having it I thought that I could have had buckwheat porridge or rice porridge as savoury option. :D But well, for this challenge, it was all about oatmeal. And now I have the answer to this question - do I like savoury oatmeal.

Has anyone ever had it ? With what? :D Give me ideas (even though I will probablt never become a fan of savoury porridge....)


Dinner had to be sweet, because well, I am a fan. I decided to make it into a dessert and added oatmeal, banana, milk, cocoa powder and frozen raspberries. I actually stole this idea from my friend, who made something similar and I couldn't stop thinking about it. :D Finally tried it now.

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It was so nice. :D And the thought that I get to have more porridge the next day, was also good. :D


I have to have snacks currently so it meant I needed to have something besides 3 big meals. I thought for a while if I should stuck with the oatmeal theme, or make another decision and have something else. At first I decided for something else, as I didn't feel like baking (I briefly thought about making oat muffins), but I managed to in the end still stuck with the theme. :D

For example for my first snack I had oatmeal cookies. Store bought, but I just love them. :D

For the next snack I had mug cake with oats, using this recipe. This is with peanut butter and oats. I did not add cinnamon because at first I was thinking of using it for my last snack, to have all the different things, you know.

But for my last snack I had some pomelo. They are really good currently and to be completely honest... I was maybe over oats a little at this point. :D For the day at least, the next day was new beginning and all that. :D

What did I discover? I felt full for longer than I usually do. Regularly I do get hungry sometimes or at least feel like eating, which did not happen this time. So this was good I think.

Of course what else was good was that this day was rather cheap. Oats are cheap and most of the things I added were not expensive as well (and I like keep frozen fruit in my fridge all the time, you can have a lot of cocoa for one container ets).

I have been thinking of making a similar challenge soon. How about 24 hours of rice? Bread? Something else?

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