I wondered what kind of challenge I would like to do and then decided I am a snacker. I prefer snacks to regular meals, maybe it is still because I don't like feeling too full. So it seemed like a nice idea to snack the whole day and see if I get hull, how my energy is and all that. Also lately I have discovered that even though I have a lot of snacks at home, I still have the same safe things all the time.
Preparing for today, I wrote down and calculated the calories. Mainly to be sure I eat enough - more in than out. Because with snacking, it is easy to overeat or restrict just in case. And I also didn't want to pick only unhealthy stuff, like potato chips. I tried to find balance.
I wanted to almost write "breakfast", but it would be wrong. :D Instead I will just try and make the day into morning, afternoon and evening.

Anyway, I started my Monday with a nicccceeee chocolate donut. I have been thinking about it a lot and I have walked past it so many times, I have been too scared of having it. But on one evening me and my sister had a cake and donut and it was so good, so I really needed to try this finally.
And it was really good. I put it in the microwave for 30 seconds as well, to make the chocolate go all melty and nice.
With it, I had a big apple, which was a bit too sour for me, but it was a good change. I had some coffee on the side and I got quite full, even though I expected to be still starving. But nope. I guess the apple did help. :D

At around 11 I had this chocolate with rice crispies, because I wanted something with coffee and I had this laying round. At the same time it wasn't very good, but I only noticed later that it was sugar free, so this was probably the reason. I don't like sugar free sweets, they have a weird aftertaste. But well, it was still something.
Other than that I really like rice crisp chocolates, there is this one I really loved and it is huge and can be found here. I hoped this small one would be just as nice, but it wasn't. But no biggie.
Up until now my day has not been very healthy... :D But I promise that dinner will kind of make up for it.

I have been wanthing to try this cereal for a while now, I have picked it up several times but always put it back. Cereal is never breakfast for me, because it doesn't make me feel fuöö at all. Also the portion size that is recommended is THIRTY GRAMS. Does anyone actually eat so little?! It is barely a few crisps. :D I took like three times the amount to get something at least, hehe.
And they were very nice. I tried them with milk and also plain, but I liked them both ways. Even though if I am completely honest, I like normal Ciniminis more. Anyway thanks to having a proper amount I got quite full.

After a sweet snack I needed to have something more sweet. I decided to try this new kiwi-booseberry pudding with chia seeds. It was quite nice, got a taste of kiwi, but it had a pieces of this milky product, as if it wasn't properly mixed together. Hahaa. :D I wouldn't get it again, but I would still like to try the vanilla version of it. I had some more coffee and also some tea, which I haven't had in a while. The closer it gets to summer, the less tea I drink. Coffee is just my regular drink of choice, and whenever I want something warm to drink, I just make this. :D
This was the idea behind my challenge, as I have sometimes made this snack plate for myself after dinner, and had veggies with dip or huumus. At the moment I am so done with hummus, as I had it every other day and then last week I had an event where I ate a lot of hummus. :D So now I craved some dip.

Before "dinner" I also had some plums that at really nice currently. Sweet and soft and nice and would probably fir well into a cake. :D I haven't baked something in a while, should do it again... like I haven't made bread in a long time, but I don't really have bread often, so it would be pointless to make it. Also I still have some arguments with my gas oven, so yeah. :D

So my snack plate was cherry tomatoes, cucumber and bell pepper. :D Don't need anything else. Sometimes I have a bit of cheese or something, but this is what it mostly consists of. And today's dip was some Estonian style dip with pickles and garlic, which was nice, but I actually like tzadziki one more. Or cheese and garlic dip.
Anyway after this I was really very full, because vegetables really do fill you up, as they take up a lot of space in your stomack. But I still wanted to try this barberry candy flavoured ice cream cone, because I used to LOVE barberry candies and I love barberry tea from Greenfield. And I wasn't disappointed, it did taste like childhood. Could have been bigger though, heheh.

I am not a fan of ice creams in cones, because the waffle is never crunchy enough, but it was still good. :D This company has a lot of new flavours that have just come out and I would really like to try them all.
In general today was nice, but to be honest, I missed normal meals. And during the period between afternoon and evening I was super tired and sleepy, I could have easily slept a few hours. I don't know if it is because of it, because I feel kinda weird in general. Snacks are nice, but they are nice when you are having them as snacks, not snacking the whole day. :D So I will gladly get back to my regular rhytm and eat three times a day + have snacks, this is the best for me.
But I am still glad I did this challenge, because I have been wanting to do this for a LONG time. Just to take a day and snack as much as I want to, I really didn't hold back. Which is also nice is that I get to have cereal as lunch for several days in a row, as I am doing home office, haha. :D