Eating only sweets for 24 hours
3:01:00 AMI am a sweets kind of person. I prefer sweet snacks to savoury ones and my favourite breakfasts are always sweet. So I thought I would try to have only sweet things for a whole day. :D
This was my usual porridge with strawberries and banana and gingerbread seasoning. I really like porridge when it is a little spicy. :D On the past days I ran out of this seasoning and just needed to add some ground up ginger, because I really wanted that kick.

Anyways my porridge was really nice. At one point my porridges started going really watery and I never thought about adding less milk, now I finally did that and it is much better. :D
I haven't been making porridge a lot recently, I mostly do it on the weekends and during the week I make my yoghurt bowl. But now I am obsessed again and for the past three days my day has started with it. Mmm. I will also make it tomorrow. And the day after that. And so on. :D
I don't know how many bags of Marianne candies I have had, I should put them on the porridge... nice hot porridge with peppermint chocolate sounds really good. But yeah, my breakfast was not out of the ordinary at all and it was sweet so it fits the theme.
Also it was funny when I saw my new psychologist for the first time. She asked what I usually have for breakfast and I was like, well, porridge, and then she asked how I make it, do I fry the onion and I was like????? Excusme me, what? :D then she was shocked and asked if I didn't mean buckwheat porridge...
I am not a fan of buckwheat, I have never liked it. And SAVOURY porridge for BREAKFAST?! This is unacceptable! Breakfast has to be sweet and amazing and thick oatmeal, grain meal, rice porridge or millet porridge or semolina porridge, definitely not BUCKWHEAT. Yes, I am very passionate about it. :D
I am not sure what I have for lunch yet. I am going to a store and see what they have. At the moment I am thinking about pastries, pancakes with sweet filling, cottage cheese with jam or just a yoghurt with something. I shall see what the small store near my workplace carries and decide when I am there. Yesterday I did think about getting something in advance and tahking it to work with me, but I decided against it in the end.

I picked salted caramel creme pancakes and strawberries. It was suuuch a good lunch. At first I thought od taking pancakes with strawberry or raspberry jam, but just because they had less calories than salted caramel ones. Then I was like, for Godness' sake, I have been wanting to try those for a long time - why don't I just pick this? It would still stay on my mind and bother me. And strawberries were on sale, so I took one carton. Also had a small bottle of Fanta Zero, it is just so good and usually I need something extra sweet towards the end of the day. Anyway yes, this was a really nice lunch.
Guilt... I have some. Because usually my lunches are really small, I mean REALLY SMALL. I cover it with snacking in the evenings, but this time not. It doesn't mean that I won't snack, nope, I am still planning to do that. :D
But I don't have as much guilt as I thought I would. Food was just so good that I couldn't really feel bad, which is a good thing. :D I am not worried or anxious at all, I feel really stable and my energy levels are okay, which is good. Usually I get SUPERfull, then I get SUPERhungry, now I feel normal constantly. Again I am thinking "is this how normal people feel?". Like, a lot of the times at work or at home office I feel like snacking, but at the moment I don't have this. Well, I am in a habit of snacking, but I am not hungry really.
Today it is such a nice weather I am thinking about walking a longer round. I don't know if I am motivated enough to go for a run, I guess I will see when I get home and decide then. I don't think I have enough strength at the moment. Until now I have been running every other day and it seems to work well. Anyway, I will see how I feel. I feel like I want to go, but... lazynesssssss,
I didn't go for a run, as my walk took longer than usually. I did a really long walk, went to the store, picked up a parcel from the post box and when I finally made it home, it was already 6:30 pm. I also listened to an audiobook and time passed really fast.

Then I took a shower and it was time for dinner. For dinner I had 500 grams of curd cream with mango, pineapples, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries. I also added some breakfast cereal with coconut shreds and raisins.
It was really good. Even though I make a lot of yoghurt bowls for breakfasts, it was exactly what I craved for. :D

Then I also had a huge bowl of grapes, because I wanted more of something fresh.
I got some guilty feelings, because I looked at my watch and how many calories I burned and it was 200-300 calories less than I ate. But I tried to be over it. Because as my friend said and what I constantly remind myself of: who do I want to be thin for?
I think it is a good idea. :D Besides I know I still need to gain some weight, so these extra calories did me good. I need to eat like this every day!
The next morning I made some porridge again and surprisingly I didn't feel like not having sweet stuff. Instead I thought that I could do some more of those pancakes... :D We shall see what I will have for lunch today, do I keep eating sweets ot not. Probably not.
In the evening my dad and sister are coming to have dinner, I am making vegan cabbage stew. I have no idea how it will come out, but I hope that they will like it. It is my dad's favourite food and when he called yesterday, I told him I was going to make it and he got really excited. Of course he thinks I will make it with regular minced meat, but I am not going to say anything and see what he says, hehehe. :D

This was the result and I can let you know that he and my sister loved it. They ate and complimented me and took some more, I was so glad. It is the best compliment to me, if someone praises the food I make. :D I thought that maybe I can have it on the next day as well, as I made quite a bit, but we ate it all. My dad keeps saying that he eats too much meat, but he doesn't do anything about it. He says that he should have it maybe once a week, but still has it almost every day. But yeah, he liked the stew and said that he couldn't tell the difference and he was surprised I cooked non-vegan food.
But on the next day when I got home from work, I found a package with sausages and cheese in the fridge (he came to set up some more furnitrue, but so much about having less meat then...).
It was really easy to make this stew, I just boiled the potatoes, then put onion, broken up soya cutlets and some seasoning into the pot. Then I added cabbage, water and bullion cube and let it simmer until the cabbage was soft. I served it with vegan yoghurt instead of sour cream and it was done. I can't really say how much of everything I used, but this gives you a rough idea. :D anyway, I got thinking about why don't I usually make these kind of simple home meals? There is something in this simplicity.
I probably woldn't be able to do a challenge where I eat only savoury things for a day. Sweet stuff is so good and I naturally gravitate towards it. :D This is why there are several bags of potato chipst just sitting on my counter - I always have something sweet as a snack. So yeah, I don't think eating sweets only for a week would be difficult for me, haha. :D Anyway, this was one of my favourite challenges definitely. And it was so easy as well, I really didn't need to think a lot. Besides all the foods were prepared quickly and they were simple. I will definitely have the same stuff in the future too.
What kind of people are you, would you rather have sweets or salty stuff? There are a lot of people who strongly prefer one or the other. I am definitely more of a sweets person. Some people are normal as well and like balance in their foods. I think I NEED to have something sweet every day, or I will overeat and binge and so on.
Also I have never felt guilty because of eating sweets. It is normal food, just like savoury things. Just when I was sick, I followed more closely how MUCH I ate, not what I ate. As I have mentioned before, I have always had the habit of having something sweet after a meal. I need at least one candy or something to finish a meal. This kind of concludes a meal. :D What is why I have a lot of cookies and candies and chocolate in my drawer at work. Yesterday I didn't have any though, because pancakes were sweet enough.
If I am completely honest, then I haven't been completely honest. On some days I have skipped my lunch in order to eat more in the evening. And I have eaten more. And... I have still gained weight. :D I just had this silly habit of having very little during the lunch, now I am trying to get back on track. Have done it for 3 days now and I feel so much better. I don't feel like binging in the evenings so yeah, all these OMAD (one meal a day) and intermittend fasting things are bullshit and bring on binge. I learned it the fard way.
I actually wanted to write a post just about that, but then I got... embarrased? For doing something like this. Because I know it is not the best thing to do for me. I ALWAYS discover having three of four meals a day works the best, I have enough energy and so on. Anyway yes, I wrote down in this months' goals to eat properly and I am finally making progress. I just wanted to write this down here as a reminder to not do these kind of experiments in the future. It is not working. Normal eating is a key to normal life.
Lately I have had more moments of social eating as well and I have gotten sort of over the thing where I always wanted to eat alone and watch a series or videos or something. I eat and talk to people without a problem. I think I would still like to be alone after work and have dinner at peace, but if it doesn't happen, it is fine as well.
Anyway yes, I need to think about what to take on as a next challenge. I got this idea really randomly and it was a good one, because I had a lot of fun. :D I will think of something interesting for the future though, I am sure of it.