New Year's resolutions vs goals

10:51:00 PM


I am not really the kind of person who makes New Year's resolutions and would stick to them. I still get the thoughts like, oh, it is New Year, I should get a grip on my life, but usually that's about it. This year I decided to write down some goals instead of resolutions. I think sticking with them would be easier, than saying "from the first of January I will work out 4 times a week". It is better to say that from New Year I will try to be more active.

Anyway, I looked around in the internets to see, who and what promises people make. I will try to write down some of my personal goals.

1. Start working out again.

Running is the love of my life and I cannot wait to do it again and enjoy it. I guess it will take more time than until January, but at least now I have written it down here. I hope that once the weather is appropriate, I can start running again. One thing to look forward to. And this is not a difficult goal to stick to.

2. Stop procrastinating.

Actually there is a word for it in Estonian which cannot be translated, meaning something like "I'm not in the mood for/I am too lazy/I don't want to etc, and I want to use this phrase less.Instead of saying this I want to analyse why I don't want to do something. Why am I too lazy? Is this thing not important to me? Am I too tired to do it? I want a day where I don't say this phrase at all. I want to motivate myself more.

3. Get to know new people.

I am quite an introvert, so this is pretty difficult for me. But at the same time it is something I would like to do - get to know more people. At the moment I am thinking that if I do happen to be press at Tallinn Music Week, then this time I will make more use of it and talk to other journalists more. It doesn't matter that I would have to walk up to them and strike a conversation - we are there for the same goal and it would be a good basis to get to know someone.

4. Write more blogposts.

I do it quite often anyway. But recently these posts are sort of boring. I want to get a grip and make more challenges - I have several things in my list already, but I still haven't gotten around to it. Also it would be really cool if someone helped me to think of a new challenge - sometimes others have better ideas than I do.

5. Save more.

Both mondey and nature. Like, I keep thinking that I should cook more at home and take the food to work for my lunch. Every time in the store I get depressed over the plastic wrappings. Also cooking at home helps to save some money. I think once I have gotten used to doing this, I will write a post about my go to meals for dinner and next day's lunch.

6. Read more.

I do quite a lot of it now that I am home from the hospital (believe it or not, there haven't been a day that I have skipped!), but I want to do it even more. Actually it would be good to read some self help books or similat stuff. For example my friend just recommended me a book called "The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can't Stand Positive Thinking". This seems perfect for me.

7. Be more spontaneous.

I guess this also covers spending time with people. I want to enjoy the moments that life brings to me; I don't want everything to be about food and eating and fears. I want to live and take everything in. I guess the first time I get to try it properly, will be during our Japan trip. I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed for it to go well. I feel like I am ready for it.

8. Find a flat.

This is a huge goal, but I talked to my mum about it. I mean, I have always had a goal to look forward to and now I don't. So she said that maybe I could search for some flats... like what there is in the market. I guess this is a good goal to be honest. And also, the best thing about a flat would be... that my cat would have more room... :D

9. Learn something new.

I have had so many different hobbies and interests from bouldering to self-learning Norwegian. I guess the goal could also be to do these things again. Or why not, learn something new. Recently I have rediscovered knitting for example, and I really love it. Maybe as a challenge, I could knit something more complicated?

10. Apply law of attraction.

This is the weirdest, yet interesting goal. And it basically means that whatever you give out, is what you receive back. So when you are grateful and positive and show it, you get positivity back as well. I don't know if I truly believe this law of attraction thing, but there is no harm in trying it out.

I think this is enough. Maybe I will change my mind last moment and make some New Year's resolutions after all, but for now, this is sufficient.

I didn't mark weight gain as a goal here, because this is something I have to do anyway and it is not a goal, it is natural part of my life. Anyway, I hope that next year I can look back here and be like, heck yess, I did it.


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