Review: Beanies coffee / random chat about life
4:12:00 AMMy good friend sent me some coffee from UK (read: a lot of coffee) and they are all flavoured. It is Beanies Coffee and I really recommend trying them out. :D Me and my friend already agreed that once I run out, we will make an order and share the shipping cost. I would like to resell it in Estonia, it is SO GOOD and more people need to know about it.

I got to know about these coffees thanks to one youtuber who shared it on her videos and on instagram. She said tje Jaffa Cake one was especially good. And I really wanted to try this and maybe one more. But I got SEVEN different ones.
I will start trying them and see, which ones are the best.

Jaffa Cake
This is really nice, smooth and a bit chocolatey/fruity. It doesn't have the distinct instant coffee clavour at all! I could have it withot milk, though I usually do add it. I don't use sugar, and this doesn't need it at all. Milk makes it extra smooth (my favourite is still Alpro for professionals almond milk) and it kind of reminds me of dessert. :D I made some oatmeal with cocoa and this combo was really good. 8.5/10!

Christmas Pudding
As I have never had Christmas Pudding, I have no idea what it is supposed to be like. I read that it has prunes in it, and I think this is what I am tasting indeed. 6.5/10, it is not my favourite, but it is not disgusting at all. :D It is interesting. A bit Christmassy, even though strange. Kind of... sour-ish.

Hot Cross Bun
About this I also didn't know what to expect. Google told me that it is usually eaten during Easter. I dunno, be it what it is, I liked it. :D Not as good as Jaffa Cake one, but still decent. I think I would give it 8/10. Recommend to try it, if you ever have a chance. :D

Birthday Cake
It smelled like cookies, or maybe a little like cake. I don't know if it is affecting me that I am having several flavours in a day, but this was kind of similar to the previous one. I still think the Hot Cross Bun one was better though, so this gets 7/10. I also don't know what birthday cake is supposed to taste like, it seems like an American thing. :D Anyway, yeah, pretty good. I will ignore the fact that this is my fourth cup today...

Toffee Apple
Oh my god, this is amazing! I thought from the name that it will be good and it really was. At the same time I thought this will be my ultimate favourite, but something else won. But this is 8,5/10 for sure! :D Also I think that I could only taste toffee when I read the name, but you actually do get some apple. Really really good.

Turkish Delight
This was a disappointment! :D I liked it the least. Also, I love Turkish delight in general. But for this, I would only give 5/10. :D I think I will drink it in the end, who would waste this kind of stuff. But yeah... if you would like to try it, then in 2 weeks I have my own home and you can come and have coffee with me!

Toasted marshmallow
This won! 9,5/10. :D In general, I am not a fan of marshmallows, but this was soooo goood. This and Jaffa Cake I like the most. But I am already thinking I want to try all the different flavours already XD. Actually the last three I wrote down here I tried on the same day and maybe this is kind of affecting my raitings. Especially about Turkish Delight. Because I have had sooo much coffee already.
Anyway yeah, I should order some more. :D I am so glad I have full jars of them, not just one tiny sleeve, like I had gingerbread one in. :D All the different coffees that they have are here. Which ones would you like to try?
My own general challenge about having bigger snacks has gone really well. I have really stuck to it. On some occasions I have thought that ah, I wasn't at the office (I went to see the dentist) or we had a meeting and now I can skip this, but I have stopped myself and have had all the food and snacks. Big accomplishment. On the weekend, we didn't go to our parents' place in the end, because corona and travelling and all that. Also some of my sister's coworkers have corona and we wanted to be safe. If everything is okay, we are planning to go next weekend instead.
I am trying not to stress and take everything as it comes. I don't like this sudden change in plans, but I can't help it. Maybe it is good that it went like this. I had to program myself a little and just keep living. Also in general my routine recently is really different, but... I am not as stressed about it as I expected. For example on Tuesday I planned to go to the gym, but my friend asked if I wanted to watch some series (we started Living with Yourself) and to my own surprise, I didn't make a huge deal out of it and agreed.
Currently they haven't closed gyms in Estonia yet, as there are not cases that stem from gyms. I will try to keep going to the gym. Yoga is somehow really close to me nowdays, some days I only go through with the idea of "I can go to yoga later" in my mind.
I am still waiting to get my flat... a little less than two weeks to go. It feels so unreal that sometimes I forget I have a flat. :D I have already set up at time for technician to come and connect me to the internet, so I can move pretty soon after getting the keys. :D Internet is vital in today's world...
I want to get a TV by that time too, but I guess it will be more towards the end of the week (the technician is coming on Monday). I feel like once I have a TV, I will make up for all these years I didn't have it. :D
Me and my friend finished Living with Yourself, by the way (I am writing this post over several days) and it was really good, I highly recommend it. Now we need to find another series to watch. :d Me and my sister are still watching Brooklyn 99, after that I want to see Community again and then also Modern Family. I also started watching Lucifer, but I am only three episodes in currently. I don't know why, but I don't feel like watching stuff alone.
On the weekend I went to Commune Cafe for the second time and tried their English breakfast, it had beyond meat sausage. And it was amaziiing. It was difficult to eat out, especially because my weight has gone up by A LOT, but I did it! And of course I had all my snacks and other meals too.

Also, for the longest of time I avoided those Eat Natural bars, but I finally tried them and they are suuuuppper good!

But now it is Monday and I can start doing my new small challenges. It is kind of fun, I have been looking forward to ir, but I am also a bit scared. I thought that maybe it is too difficult to go to the store every day, so I am writing down several options to my bullet journal. I usually have a list about 10 different things and I can check them when I don't have any ideas. It is quite convenient. I also write down snack ideas a lot, even though recently it is just fruit. Sometimes I have as much fruit as there are calories in all the foods combined I have had on the day. But what can I do, I just crave it!
When I finally move, I can be a bit more flexible and try more different things. My sister doesn't want ice cream when it is cold outside, but I would love some. And I don't like having different stuff from her. xD When I live alone, I won't have this comparison moment I hate. And I think I will be fine.
I ordered/bought some things for the flat and should get them soon. I also feel like purchasing dishes and cutley and a kettle and all this stuff. Other people tell me to wait until I move. :D I guess both kind of make sense - I have to carry the stuff to the new place. But I want to be READY and have the things READY for when I have the keys. I just cannot wait any more. :D I think you understand.
With having desserts, I have a little block in my mind. Just even when thinking about it. It is because my weight has really gone up now. But we shall see, maybe I can manage. I set it as a goal and I should follow through.
Tomorrow I have my psychologist appointment, where I will be weighed too. At least she can be happy, even though I find it really difficult to accept. If a few days passed now, I would feel better, but at the moment I feel like "oh god I am too afraid to have ANYTHING". And I try to be over this feeling.
On some occasions I don't even think about it. Like yesterday I went bouldering again after 2 YEARS and I discovered I am so weak. I guess eating more and gaining weight would be really beneficial to me. Today my hands are so sore, I had forgotten this feeling. :D Actually a really nice person left me a comment and said I could do push up challenge, and... today is Monday and a good day to start it. Even though I don't know how my sore muscles let me do it today. :D But I think I will try. I think I will start with ten and then add one every single day. I used to be able to do push ups EASY. With these kind of challenges though, I can see my progress and I love it. Exactly like it was with the stretching challenge. But yeah, I shall see how long I will do it. I wish to keep doing it for forever, but I think at one point I have to stop adding them. :D Like, I don't think I can do 100 per day?! :D
I also thought about starting my secret challenge, a week ling one, but I decided to not to do it right now. Some things changed. But at one point I will tackle it, it is a promise. :D
At least I have my own baked bread to eat now. I made some to take to my parents', but as we ended up now going, I can have it myself. It came out really good and I added a TON of sunflower seeds.
Ohoh, I have really been writing for a long time this time. :D Anyway yes, I kind of feel like a loooot of things have happened and I need to cover it all.
But this week's clannges are: not checking the calories, having desserts and being more spontaneous about deciding on meals. We shall see how it goes. This spontaneous thing is really difficult, as I don't want to go to the store every day due to corona and all that. But at least I went out to eat! This was also one other kind of fear to overcome - somewhy eating dinner out is fine, but not lunch. I don't even know why. I think it goes way back to the deeps of my eating disorder where I skipped lunches usually. So lunches are the most challenging for me.
Anyway, do you have any challenges for this week? Even if it is just maybe "have more water"?
Also, today morning I made this Toffee Apple coffee and had gingerbread flavoured porridge. I want Christmas and snow and light and warmth!