I sent a letter every day
12:36:00 AMMy best friend sent me a message while I was in Tartu, saying that she would like us to start sending regular letters again. You know, the ones with snail mail. It doesn't matter that 90% of the day we are talking on Facebook Messenger and that we live in the same town - it would still be very cool to get a letter. And then we can read it in 20 years or something. :D
And now on Friday at work I thought that I could make it into a challenge. Send letters for five days. I have some penpals, or like, just friends who I usually communicate like this, send postcards etc, but I haven't really done it recently. So this is a good opportunity to do this. So five days and five letters starts now!
I wrote a letter to my best friend. It was really long, two A4 pages and very small letters. :D Actually I wrote it for several days, because I didn't have enough time at once, but I posted it on Thursday finally. I would really like to know when it arrives.
It was really weird to write like this, my hand cramped a lot, because I am not used to it. But in the end I thought that I could have even written more. And we used to send really long letters to each other, all about what we are doing and what has happened. My letter today wasn't on this level, because it was a first one I have written in a while and it was a bit strange to write. Also I have already told her everything. :D
But anyway, it was really nice to write and I hope she will answer. :D I have a momery box for all the letters, I always keep them. :)
Today I wrote a letter to my friend in Turkey, who also visited me a few years ago. We used to talk literally every day, but now it hasn't happened much. Still, through Twitter I am up to date with what she is doing, even though I am not using Twitter much thesedays. I am trying, but I never have anything to say. :D Every day I think I will start tweeting again, but it never happens.
The most difficult thing is having a cramp in your hand, I am just not used to writing. But it is nice. At the same time I also feel that I am not very good at writing letters, I haven't done it in a while and I don't know what you are supposed to write about. :D Besides, to the people I am writing to, I often just talk to so they know what is happening with me. :D
Today I wrote a letter to my German friend, who has visited me many times and who I have also visited. It was really nice to talk about nothing, in the end it was just super random. :D

I did think that I don't have it in me to write, because it was a day off and I had other things to attend to, but I still took some time for writing and did it. I really love getting letters myself, so I hope people who will receive my letters think the same. I think it has something so nice and personal in reading words others have written on an actual paper.
My Grandma had a pen pal from Hungary for a long time, they wrote for years and also called sometimes. I also used to be a member of Interpals and wrote with several people, it was such a nice time. And then at one point I did postcrossing, which was also really cool. You can pick how many postcards you want to send and then the same amount of people will be given your address. It is really cool that these pages are still popular right now. I think that maybe I should join one again and start sending more mail. I just got really excited over letters suddenly. :D
With one girl from Korea I met via Interpals and we sent letters for a long time. I think we both wrote like 10+ letters, but then it suddenly stopped. She didn't answer to me anymore or something. I hope she is doing well, even though I don't even remember her name anymore. :D But I have her letters somewhere at my parents' place, I can look for them and remember.
At the same time I can't deny that sending so many letters is going to be quite expensive. Within Estonia, a letter costs 1.10 €, but it is much more expensive to send a letter abroad. And even more if you want to send an actual parcel or something like that. Though sending gifts is even more exciting!
Today I am writing to a friend from Italy. We sometimes send each other postcards and tea and snacks, so this time I also considered sending a whole parcel. She is really nice and sweet and we dream about me visiting her and her showming me pretty places. It would be amazing.
In general I have a feeling that I have so many friends in a lot of different places, I could do a trip and just spend some time with each of them, haha. :D I should look for people in the countries I don't have any connection with yet, it would be so cool!
At the same time I am thinking that I have so many more people who I would like to write to! For example one girl from USA, then some people from Finland, also I could write to my other best friend in Japan... my poor hand that has to work for this. xD
Writing so many letters like this at once is also a bit difficult, I tend to say the same things over and over again and I don't see a point. But at the same time they are all different people, which means this is all new information for them, even if I tell someone else the same stuff. :D
I won't be telling anyone that I have sent them a letter, I will wait and see if they mention it and if they arrive at all. :D Okay, I did tell my best friend though, because I am afraid she won't check her post box otherways, I check mine every day. Especially because I am waiting for some Aliexpress orders, haha. :D
But yeah, getting a letter as a surprise is so cool in my opinion. For example this Italiak girl randomly sent me a birthday gift and it was so sweet! At first I thought it was something I ordered, but then I saw the name on the parcel and I was like, omg, someone is thinking of me and writing to me?
Also this is super random but would you like to receive a letter? :D I could write something to you. I also thought about startin Patreon and see if someone would like to support me there and then as an exchange I could send you postcards and talk to you in person or something. But then I was like... who do I think I am and scrapped the idea. :D
I really like this challenge. This is one of the coolest things I have done I think. I would like to keep up with it, but maybe not in that big of a scale, haha. :D But if anyone would answer to me, I will definitely send them a letter back!
It is so cool that with people I got to know a looong time ago I still have this connection. It is somehow really adorable!
Another question - do you have penpals or would you like to have one? I remember that there used to be an Estonian children magazine where you could post an ad to look for a penpal. No one wrote to me though, even though I did send some letters. Okay, I think I found some e-mail penpals, I remember that. I had a separate e-mail for it, so I could use another name and hide my identity. At the moment I am completely different, I am like... "you wan't my address? here you go". :D But well, now I am an adult and I don't think anyone from USA will become a stalker and visit me.
But if you are underage, you should really talk about this with your parents first and say that you would like to have a penpal and if it is okay for you to give your address to a stranger.
Today's letter is still pending, but this goes out to my Grandma. Actually I am sending her a postcard, becuase I will see her soon and she really likes to get cards, so I thought why not. I always send a postcard to her from my trips, but I haven't been away this year, so I thought I would send a travel themed card instead. :D
She always sets up the cards on her living room table and shows them off when someone is visiting. This is so cute! And I think that she would like to get a random card/letter from me. I thought about sending a card with flowers, as she really likes them, she even took a trip to flower festival in the Netherlands.
My Grandma is so dear to me and I want to make her happy somehow. So yes, I think this is a good idea. Anyway, I feel like after today I still will be sending some more letters, because I want to write to EVERYONE and I am really excited at the idea.
But talking about something else: Midsummer day is coming. And I know I will overeat a lot then and I am stressed about it. But what has to come will come anyway. I don't have my psychologist appointment for a while now as well, because she has a vacation and then I have my holidays. I have to manage stuff by myelf. Even though I am feeling a bit better at the moment and I hope it will last for some time. But I think my vacation is coming at the right time. I feel like I can't really work at all anymore.
Today I also need to write down main things about my master's thesis. I have really left it at the last moment, so I am doubtful if I get in. I am still going to try. I have an idea and main things, I just need to write it all down. Good luck to me with it.
Also I am going to my sister's after work to bake something, she has some people coming over tomorrow and she asked if I could prepare something. Of course, I like to bake and cook etc. But yeah, due to this I can't go out for a walk and this bothers me. Also tomorrow my mum is coming to Tallinn who we were supposed to go to some stores and then on Wednesday morning we are diving to Viljandi together. Again, no walking. And then this Midsummer day and all that. But maybe I need this. I wish it didn't cause me so much stress...
It is really hot. I am usually always cold, but what is going on at the moment, is too much even for me. My computer shows weather forecast and it always has a little sign saying "red alert", which is pretty accurate.
Yesterday I went to a beach with a friend around 5-6 pm and I got REALLY sunburnt, so weird. We were just sitting there for an hour, I didn't think this was possible. My hands are really ichy grom the sun, it feels pretty bad. And then in the evening in bed I was just like nope and took a really cold shower quick. At least I could fall asleep after that. But yeah, it is really difficult to handle. :D
Anyway, enjoy the nice weather, don't forget sunscreen and take a pen and paper to the beach. Write a letter to someone!