1,5 years
4:22:00 AMI thought of putting a clickbite title on this post and title it as 10 000 calorie challenge, because that is what went down this weekend. My mum came to Tallinn and on the first night we spent in my flat, having pesto pasta and brownies with ice cream. Then we had tons of snacks and drinks. And then when my sister and mum left, I continued eating... feeling really sick later.
Next day was kind of a deja vu, because we ate at my sister's place. Again, so much that I was physically in pain.
But I have done my seven day secret challenge now. On Thursday evening it will be over, so on Friday I will post about that. :D Someone mentioned in the comments that it is probably a running challenge, but unfortunately not. But this brings me to the title of this post...
One and a half years since I tried running outside last time. At the gym I did go on a treadmill sometimes, but I don't even remember running outside. Maybe it has been even more than 1,5 years.
I planned a track for myself and at first I was like ahh, this is gonna be so easy, maybe I need to do it two times. :D Nope. Even before finishing the round for the first time, I was so tired I stopped before completing it. I still jogged for about 500 meters later though.
My goal was to jog a little really calmly and see how much I can handle. It was 2,91 km. And then this added half a km.
I would really like the weather to get better so I could go and try it again today. At the moment it is very dark, rainy and wet so I am not too hopeful... but it would be nice. Because yesterday it felt soooo good. My feet seemed so light, even the wind was not bothering me. I felt so good and motivated and energetic. I was really happy, as if I had hilbernated all winter and finally got up now or something. :D
My clothes were fitting as well, I didn't get too hot nor too cold. So yeah, I am rediscovering my love for running. I still have this block in my mind that I don't want to get ready, but once I am dressed, I feel good. :D It is the same with doing my bodyweight exercises at home, I really don't want to start.
My muscles are tiny bit sore today I think, or rather my legs feel a bit stiff. Nothing too uncomfortable.
Then yesterday I wanted to make those oven baked oats, but I added too much milk and my gas oven was not working with me, so I just gave up after 45 minutes and dumped it all into a bowl and had it as porridge soup. :D This was a disappointment, but I really didn't want to throw it away. But I did lose some motivation to try it again, haha. :D But sometimes I just see pictures of baked oats and it looks soooo good.
I just would like to get a new oven, because this gas thing sucks. Yes, it is nice that it gets hot super fast, but I can't deal with the oven part. It doesn't have temperatures on it as well, only numbers from one to six and 3 says max so it literally makes no sense.
But I don't really have anything else to say. Weekend was difficult, but I hope this week will be nicer. I am just really tired as well and can't really properly write what I am thinking. I feel very... uneasy.
Today I also see my dentist and maybe will get a date when I get my braces removed, yay! We shall see. That would be great news.

Mum and sister went into nature, we walked at Pakri, Keila waterfall and Jägala waterfall. And also we saw some big rocks haha. We couldn't go to stores due to the lockdown so this was the next best thing.
There was so many people around, but we kept our distance. But yeah, it was really nice to get outside and drive around, as it has been a while since I was in a car last time. :D Weather was also super nice. In the mornings it was a bit gloomy and rainy, but when we made it to our destinations, sun came out and it was just perfect.
I added some pictures to my Instagram stories as well and I did just post some on my feed too.
So just... leaving the food thing aside, I had a pretty great weekend. But I feel like I haven't gotten proper rest at all, I want two more days off. I don't want to do anything. :D But I think this is just too much to ask.