Loving to help
2:17:00 AMA long time ago I found an article online which talked about doing some volunteer work and reading audiobooks to blind people.
This article was super old, but I decided to send them a message and ask if they are still looking for people, because I would love to donate some of my time. And less than 24 hours later I got an answer saying they would be really happy if I did that. It was so sweet!
So I agreed on a book, went to the library, got a microphone and started... to read. I am reading Jo Nesbo's "Thirst", because Nesbo is one of my favourite writers and people were looking forward to it. So I get to do 2 in 1 - enjoy a book myself and do something good at the same time.
I started to record on Monday evening and I discovered that I make so many mistakes. Awful. :D I thought that as I read quite a lot myself, it is easy, but it is not. At the same time I will not give up and read the whole book. Especially because I myself have started to listen to audiobooks a lot and there aren't many in Estonian.
I thought I have read "Thirst" already, but during the first page I discovered that I haven't. Anyway, I will mark down here how I am doing and I also suggest you look up similar things wherever you are from. Especially now when most of the people are sitting at home and there isn't much to do. It is a good way to pass some time.
They have a list of books they would like to be read, but if you have a book at home, you can simply read this! I think it is super cool. Also they sent me an explanation how and what to read, which program to use and so on. They were super friendly and this was such a positive experience.

I uploaded first two files and I am looking forward to feedback, is this good enough or should I change something. I think I could also record with my phone, as my computer was not working properly (but it is now okay) and I thought about using this. Luckily it is fine now and I can use the microphone.
I am really interested to know how long it takes me to record it and how long the book is. :D Most of the books I have listened to are somewhere between 7-10 hours, so I think I need to read quite a bit. At the same time "Thirst" is a long book, so maybe it will be even longer. Well, reading takes a bit longer anyway, because sometimes I mess up and have to start again. I am not professional enough to cut the wrong part out yet, I need to try the program out a little more. It kind of sucks if I mess up at the moment. But well, like everything, it needs a little practice t read. I feel like I am performing or something. :D But yeah, in general it is really cool. When I listen back on what I read, it is so weird, because I am not used to my own voice at all, haha. :D But well, I hope it changes after this experience.
I am thinking that once I have read this book, I would gladly take another one, because at the moment I have a lot of motivation to do this.
On Tuesday evening I finished the first chapter. I kind of messed up a little, but didn't start again, so I hope they will forgive me. It is a bit difficult as well, as I am trying to pronounce all the Norwegian names and stuff, but I am not sure I am doing a good job. :D
At first I also thhought that yes, I will give characters different voices and everything, but honestly I am happy I could read at least something. It is not as easy as it seems when you are listening to an audiobook!
And to clarify, I have read this book, but I don't think I finished it, because the first chapter was kind of familiar in the end. I also managed to get the microphone to work properly finally, the prologue was not as loud as I would have liked. We shall see. I wanna go home already and keep recording. :D
Second chapter went more smoothly, even though I started recording quite late and I couldn't wait for it to be over so I could make some food for myself. But it was nice, I like reading stuff out loud.
I remember that when me and my sister were small, we had rooms next to each other and sometimes I read a whole book to her, even though she fell asleep at the beginning already. :D I just read and read and didn't stop until it was over.
I haven't listened to a lot of audiobooks lately, but it is only because I was too lazy to charge my headphones. xD It is so simple, but I just don't remember to do it. I think I will charge them for tomorrow, even though I really wanted to listen to something today already when I was going to work.
The Hilarious Life of Depression is still quite good and I still have 8 hours more to listen. But at the same time the loan period will be over soon, so I need to listen to it more. I can borrow it again though, so it is no problem to be honest.
I think that law books should be in audio format as well, I would really like to listen to them, because I am not doing that great with studying recently. I am still trying to do at least SOMETHING every day, even though it is not working out great. I still haven't refound my motivation.
Today, on Thursday, I have a new phychologist appointment as well, they are so often thesedays. I don't really have anything to talk about to her, but we shall see what she wants to discuss.
Are you going to watch Eurovision? I saw the first semifinal and I am planning to watch the second as well. And then on Friday me, my sister and her friend are going to order food and watch the final. I can't wait, I really need some time off! But my vacation starts in ten days! Can't come fast enough.

I found a new favourite ice cream while watching the second semifinal. Like, I love coconut, but I thought this was going to be too much. But it wasn't. And honestly, it is the best ice cream I have ever had. :D The price is also cheap, so this is a big success.
Which songs did I like from the Eurovision ones? Iceland is definitely a favourite, Czech was good as well, but they didn't make it to final. Norway I liked, Israel as well, surprisingly. First semifinal was better though and it is kind of sad that Estonia didn't get to the final, I really hoped we would make it. But at the same time it was to be expecred. Anyway yes, overall there were a lot of good songs this year, nothing awful. Except for some ballads on the second semi final perhaps.
It was nice at the psychologist appointment, we did some focusing exercises, I filled a questionnaire and she taught me some tricks to be in the present, because my main issue is worrying about the future. A lot of people have this problem that they can't be in the present, they usually feel guilt about the past or worry about the future. I am the worrier, but sometimes I feel bad about what has already happened.
I got really frustrated during the session so she gave me a small ball to play with, it really helped. :D I should find one for myself as well, because I liked playing with it and it did help with being in the present, because I felt something against my fingers.
This time we didn't really talk about eating, though we mentioned it a few times. My weight has gone up properly, so I am already feeling a bit weird about ordering food tomorrow, so yeah, worrying again.
Then lately I have started to become really anxious when I am not at home. It just came to be really randomly - we had a fire safety training at work and then I started to worry that something happens at home. Like, it is sooooo awful I can't do anything. Annoying. I have never felt this kind of anxiety.

And I finally also got a birthday present! I haven't used it yet and probably won't today, but maybe on Sunday? Then on Monday I can write how I like it. :D I decided on Delimano Pro... even though I don't have much room at home so I don't know where I will put it. Or well, there is little room in the kitchen. :D At the moment it is on my corridor, inside a box still. :D
Also I have a really big addiction to coffee with chocolate soy milk, like please send some help. I can't get over, I am having my third cup already and it is 8:32 am...