3 positive things / 1. part

11:08:00 PM

There was sun outside, unbelievable!

I thought a lot and finally came up with something. I will start on the first of January with a challenge that makes me write down three positive things every day and do it for a month. Maybe I will notice more good things this way. We had to do the similar thing at the hospital, and on some days it was really tough. I mean, I am the person who relates to a book named "Happiness for people who can't stand positive thinking" so... But I can try. Maybe at first it will be fake, but who knows, maybe I will start to think more positively. I have used the word 'positive' already too much in this post.

I want to do more challenges, but I have no ideas. I guess I shoulf google something to see what else people are doing. Anyway, first post of positive things.

1. January 2020

+ I went out for a little walk and there was one lady walking her dog. Surprisingly she wished me happy new year and it was really adorable.
+ I ate three times and all the snacks properly, no skipping.
+ There was ice on water outside and I like the crunch it makes when you step on it. :D

2. January 2020

+ I was awake later today. (I usually go to sleep at 9 and for me this was huge. :D I want to go to bed later, because like this I wake up too early.)
+ A lot of people wished me happy new year.
+ Time passed faster than usually at work.

3. January 2020

+ Two of the most difficult days of work are over for this month.
+ I met friends after work.
+ My sister is back in town and I can talk to her more.

4. January 2020

+ We watched A Christmas Prince with my sister as she hadn't seen it.
+ There was a little girl I saw outside, with her parents, and she said hi to me. She was really happy when I said hi back.
+ I got a new stripy sweater.

5. January 2020

+ Sunset was beautiful.
+ I visited my friend at her work.
+ I made some good food at home.

6. January 2020

+ There was snow outside in the morning!
+ Breakfast porridge was especially good today.
+ I woke up a bit earlier and could take my time in the morning.

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