Menu at home / 2. part

11:44:00 PM

This cranberry-oat dark vegan chocolate is the best thing that I have tried in god knows how long.

Monday. 06.01.2020

Breakfast 7:00 - porridge with vanilla, banana and frozen raspberries, cup of coffee. (Porridge of course. But one with seeds and nuts, not any regular one. :D)

Snack 11:30 - Cadbury Christmas chocolate with gingerbread filling, cup of coffee. (Actually my third cup of coffee, as I had one right after getting to work as well. :D)

Lunch 13:00 - craft bread with cream cheese, cheese and fresh cucumber. (It doesn't matter that my snack time was later than usually, my lunch was still at the same time.=

Snack 15:00 - kohuke (Estonian curd cream dessert) with mango. (One of the last kohuke that I hadn't yet tried. All the other ones from the store I have now tried...)

Dinner 19:00 - sushi bowl. (Meaning brown rice, corn, marinated ginger, tuna, tomato, bell pepper, cucumber, some soy sauce and a sheet of nori. Really good combination, and easy. I was too lazy to turn it into proper sushi form.

Snack 20:00 - 500g of pomelo. (It is soo soooo good. Really in season, really recommend!)

Tuesday, 07.01.2020

Breakgast 7:00 - porridge with nuts and seeds, coconut, raspberries and a banana. (I got some rice flakes for the future, to make my morning porridge a bit different. But I am going to use up this one first.)

Snack 11:00 - crandberry and oat flakes dark chocolate. (Really, the best kind of chocolate I have had this year. :D Or this and last year, as it is seventh oh January still. :D Anyway, super amazing and vegan! Really recommend!)

Lunch 13:00 - two slices of handmade bread with cream cheese, cheese and pickles. (Yep, still sandwiches. I cannot fathom that I have skipped lunches instead of enjoying them!)

Snack 15:00 - greek yoghurt with blackberries. (For a change from kohuke I decided to go with yoghurt. But I am bothered that I am not trying something new. I keep thinking that now that I can, I should try something else. But it doesn't matter. Food is food.)

Dinner 19:00 - filled sweet potato with salad and cheese, with a side of cottage cheese with tomatoes and cucumber. (My sister is a fan of sweet potatoes so I made this. And tomorrow we will have the same stuff, as the sweet potato was huge. :D)

Snack 20:00 - 600g of pomelo. (It was a bit too much, but at the same time it felt wrong to leave so little for tomorrow. It is the best when it is freshly peeled.)

Wednesday, 08.01.2020

Breakfast 7:00 - porridge with nuts and seeds and vanilla, banana and frozen raspberries, cup of coffee. (I have noticed I don't really write down how much coffee I am having. I have about 2 cups a day. One huge one at home and then 2 small ones at work.)

Snack 11:00 - Cadbury Christmas chocolate with gingerbread. (This is also so good that I grabbed it with me. Also I think I'd mention that the first snack is the most difficult for me, still.)

Lunch 13:00 - bread with cream cheese, cheese and pickles. (Honestly I feel like this is becoming a thing like porridge. :D I will try and make something else... maybe. At least I need to buy new bread...)

Snack 15:00 - vanilla kohuke. (Again back to them. Now I have tried all of this one company's. My favourite was caramel one, surprisingly, and also the one filled with coconut, of course.)

Dinner 19:00 - beans and cheese filled sweet potato with carrot and cabbage salad. (Basically the same as yesterday.)

Snack 19:30 - 500 g of pomelo. (It is so goooood. It was not yellow but orange/pink instead though, interesting.)

Thursday. 09.01.2020

Breakfast 7:00 - porridge with nuts and seeds, coconut, banana, frozen raspberries and a cup of coffee. (Super good. Tomorrow I will finally have rice porridge, as I ran out of the seeded grains. :D Today is tough because my weight has gone up.)

Snack 11:00 - Corny peanut and gingerbread bar. (I looked for them for so long as they were always sold out. Finally found them now. And they were pretty good.)

Lunch 13:00 - two slices of bread with cream cheese and boiled egg. (At least a little bit different. :D)

Snack 15:00 - an apple. (I wanted to get kohuke again, but the store near my workplace doesn't have the one I craved for. :D So I thought I'd have something fresh instead.)

Dinner 19:00 - rice with Asian style veggies. (I got mixed vegetables and fried them first, then added coconut milk, ginger, garlic, soya sauce and peanut butter. It was really spicy but very good in the end.)


Snack 20:00 - 500g of pomelo. (My sister wanted it, so I had it too. :D)

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