Small relapse, but new beginning?
1:39:00 AM
We had a proper Christmas tree at home. This is always one of my requested things when I am going home for Christmas. :D
Christmas was extremely difficult for me. As I was afriad, there was much binge eating and drinking - both at home as well as with friends few days later. Which meant that for the next couple of days I held back and skipped all snacks and even some meals. Do what you have to - I know I am behaving badly, but I can't help it. Now this week I have been back to my own rhythm, but I have much more guilt feelings again. So... maybe I have not been doing as well as everyone thinks. (Wrote this before.) But at the moment it is third of January and I have been SO good.
I wrote to the hospital and said that I am not coming back as inpatient, but I can come to an appointment if this is necessary.
So I thought I'd also write down my menu to hold myself accountable.
01.01.2020, WEDNESDAY
Breakfast 10:00 - porridge with vanilla, banana, pumpkin pie spice and frozen strawberries, coffee. (I ate too much yesterday, but still...)
Snack 12:00 - Domino cardamom cookies and coffee. (I really wanted to skip the snack, but I really wanted to try these cookies. They were out of stock in all the stores, but finally I found them. Pretty good.)
"Santa" brought me this Paulig's new Christmas coffee. Especially good with the mentioned cookies. :D
Lunch 14:00 - potato salad, marinated fish, tomato. (Weird combo. But I have to mention that on EVERY first of January we have potato salad so it was a must. I discovered that local store has vegetarian version!)
Snack 15:30 - kohuke (Estonian curd cream dessert) with peanuts. (Again I thought that this was too much, but I had it and it was good. Also I have been drinking so much tea.)
Dinner 19:00 - potato salad, fish, tomato and fried cabbage. (Same as during the lunch, but I had it and needed to use it up.)
Snack 20:00 - mango sorbet. (I couldn't decide if I wanted ice cream or muesli. But then I remembered that I haven't tried this mango ice cream.)
02.01.2020, THURSDAY
Breakfast 7:00 - porridge with vanilla, banana and strawberries. (I still love porridge. Saying that maybe I have had enough was not true at all. :D Nothing is better than a big bowl of porridge in the mornings!)
Snack 11:00 - ice cream KitKat. (My friend brought me this from Japan. Also, today in 1 month and 16 days I am going to Japan! This is so soon!)
Lunch 13:00 - Local bakery's seeded bread with cream cheese, cheese and pickles. (Love this bread as well.)
Snack 15:00 - apple. (I really want fresh stuff.)
Dinner 19:30 - omelette with sundried tomatoes and cheese, pickles and tomato salad. (I really like having omelettes for dinner.)
Snack 21:30 - yoghurt with salted caramel crisps. (I really can't explain this snack, but it was really good!)
I am trying to start posting on every Monday and Friday again, so here you go. I want to keep up with the menu at home posts as well, so there are going to be more similar posts coming.