10:53:00 PMFriday
On Friday I wanted to see Kristjan Järvi and Ott Lepland, but it appeared that for this concert you needed an extra ticket. I didn't want to get it, as it was quite short performance and the price was simply not worth it. I am a bit sad and I wish they had told this to press in advance...
Instead, I went to Telliskivi again to listen to a Finnish artist named Tomi Saario. I had listened to some of his songs preciously and I was quite excited to see him live. He has a good, carrying voice and I really liked his presence. Songs in general talked about love, which I couldn't really align with, but it did seem that he was master at putting words together. It was a joy to listen to him. At the same time I would say that his performance was like a one long song, because it was all in the same style and it kind of became one. But he was pretty good and I do recommend checking him out. Maybe he reminded me a bit of Ed Sheeran, to be complerely honest. And I am not a big fan of Ed, so yeah... :D But it was nice!

Next I thought to listen to Ariadne, but instead I decided to pop by F-Hoone to see what is jonas.f.k about... and this was the first surprise of the night! I don't understand why they have so few likes on their Facebook! This was awesome and it seemed that the people loved it. It was kind of like a mix of pop, electronic and alternative music. The singer had such a good stage presence, he pulled the people in, everyone seemed to lean forward, as if he was to drop the secret of a lifetime. And his... "I don't care" appearance... it matched so well. Anyway, I am OBSESSED!

As jonas.f.k made such a good appearance, I decided to stick around and see what else TIKS records has to offer. And the next performer was EiK. EiK was called... a rapper who is not a rapper. And the first song... I didn't like. It was kind of telling a poem in music and I am not a fan of poetry. But I decided to stick around and give him another chance and I am super glad I did it! Because the next songs were amazing and overwhelming in a good way. It was like music, like poetry, like songs - everything together. Best way to enjoy these three things. This was a great surprise for me! I don't understand how he has so few fans once again. :D I wish that my post made at least one person to check him out. Then I can say my work is done in this world. :D EiK is definitely not for everyone, but even people who don't like him have to admit that he has some serious skills.

In addition I wanted to listen to a lot more artists on Friday, but my health was concerning and told me that this was enough. I don't know if I was too tired or what was up, but I just couldn't stay and listen for more. Instead I headed home. Besides, if I was really sick, I didn't want to spread it. At the same time the next day I was completely fine, so I saw a lot more performances and I still feel good. I guess it was just that I was super tired from the work week, but what can you do. I wish it didn't happen. But at the same time... I am happy. I am happy that I saw the artists that I mentioned. I don't want to put too much pressure on myself and think that I need to see every single artist from the time performances start until the next morning. I want to enjoy music and doing it under pressure is not it. It loses it's magic when forced.
Also I have tried to stop writing down what exactly I like. I don't say that EiK's rhythm was good or jonas.f.k's guitar solo made my fingers tingle. I want to just tell people that their music is cool, worth a listen, exciting, different, amazing, surprising, living. I want people to listen to their music simply because they like it. I don't have to tell why I like it - it can be as simple as "I just like it".
One more day and then I will write more about the music and my mental health in regards to it. :)