TALLINN MUSIC WEEK 2020 / Saturday
10:57:00 PMSaturday
On Saturday the concertst started quite earlt - at 15:30 already. Before those, I went to the town to pop by my favourite coffee vagon, Roots coffee bar. During the corona quarantine, they had a really cool "coffee window" where me and my friend went several times (basically you ordered through a window and they sent your coffee down in a basket). Anyway, really cool people, good coffee and cool idea.

After that, I went to Telliskivi again and decided to go to F-Hoone, where there were performances by LAGI records company, who base on rap and hip hop.
Firstly it was time for Apollo, who I don't even know what to say about. I quite liked it, even though the words were... quite boring to be honest. It wasn't anything specail. It kind of reminded me some Norwegian artists, which was a big plus, because I am a fan. Especially Norwegian hip hop and rap. The artist seemed like a nice person and I was sad there wasn't more people listening to him.

In general I thought that the weaker artists were more during the day and that they will get better as time goes by, but it was the opposite. :'D I hope I am not too strict, but this is how I felt.
Next it was time for Kriipsu-Uku, whose words I just didn't understand. But they said that the music tracks are also made by him, which was cool. He had a nice style. When I interviewed Tommy Tee a few years ago, he said that the beat is the most important thing when creating a song and Kriipsu-Uku had done this. I don't know what else to say about him.
Next it was turn of NEO, who I don't even remember. I guess he was similar to the others, meaning nothing special. At this point I also felt that I was too tired of listening to the same kind of stuff, I didn't even stand up to listen to the artists, not to mention taking pictures. I thought of moving somewhere else, but there weren't any other concerts at that point yet. So I stuck around. After him it was turn of Manna, who I really did want to see.
Manna was good. If there wasn't her performance, I would have been really disappointed in this day. It was really nice to see a female artist. Her presence, songs and everything was different and fresh. Finally I gathered enough strength to stand up and jam along! I think we will hear about her in the future. She is worth it.

Then it was väike kelder's turn, where they had a lot of memebers but what was quite terrible. :D I am really sorry, please forgive me! One song was acceptable, but in general it felt as if they really missed the tone? I mean, it was as if they were yelling along to a song in a club. This wasn't enjoyable. I think they have a lot of room to grow and get better. But this one song shows that at least they COULD do something better as well.
And finally I listened to the Kaw, but I really couldn't do more than him. His songs were just okay, I can't bring out anything specific. Anyway in general all of the artists mashed together in my head and I think it was just too much too fast. But in general, this day wasn't too bad either. It will be interesting to see where they go from here, definitely. At one point I am sure we will hear about them.
Anyway, I recommend checking out Manna and give a chance to Apollo. Regarding others, I am a bit doubtful, but they can prove me wrong.
Then for the last concert I picked Mari Kalkun, and she was awesome. It started to rain, but this didn't ruin the experience. She is really different and enjoyable and it was really good to listen to her, a change from all this hip hop and rap. This is very Estonian and simple. Exciting.

Unfortunately I didn't go and see anyone else after her, because I was cold and tired and I was so tired. Tallinn Music Week definitely wasn't what it was in 2018.
Like in general I expected a lot more artists or names that I had heard before. This year wasn't so good. There weren't many "main" events, there was no vibe of 2018. So I would say that the level has gone down. But at the same time I understand this - it was supposed to happen in spring and a lot of artists couldn't come due to corona. So I guess they still did their best. But I am sure that there is room for progress.
I really hope I get a chance to participate more events like this and share my thoughts. I really would like if people read this, lived it with me and enjoy it. I want only good things to happen to all of the performers, I want them to get what they deserve. I want to share a positive message and be happy with them.
Anyway, I wrote down quite a list of artists I would like to listen to in the future!