TALLINN MUSIC WEEK 2020 / Thursday
12:32:00 AMToday's post is a little different, as I was press representative at Tallinn Music Week.

TMW hit it off on Thursday, 27.08. At first it was supposed to happen in March-April, but due to corona it was postponed. I can totally understand this. At the same time I am really sad that a lot of the foreigh artists couldn't come even now, because they set this 2 week quarantine norm again. So mostly it was all about Estonian artists, with some odd ones out (for example Latvian, Finnish, Norwegian and I think one Hungarian).
Firstly on Thursday I attended Carnival Youth's concert, who performed at Telliskivi Creative City in an open air. We were lucky with the weather - it was a bit chilly, but it was clear and not rainy at least. This would have been awful. What can I say about them though... it was a nice band. It was a bit weird that I enjoyed some songs a lot, but didn't care at all about the others. They had a lot of different things going on. At the same time I think it is positive, because everyone can find something they like. But I don't think I have come across a lot of bands whose songs I really like and dislike at the same time. Anyway, it was a good start to the festival.

Next, it was INGER's performance, who had quite decent songs. I saw her on Estonian TV, but I didn't know much of her. This was nice, chill music. I really liked some of the songs a lot, while others just left me with no particular emotion. Also, there were quite a few people listening, which was sad, but also good - with the corona and all. Anyway, Inger was really sweet, she seemed a bit stressed and nervous, but this made her very charming and warm.

At one point I decided to move on and went to Fotografiska to listen to Puuluup. And this was a huge surprise! I haven't heard anything as interesting and different in a long while, I highly recommend you to check them out. People were living for it, they were dancing and everyone were completely obsessed. Neozombiepostfolk is indeed a word to describe them. I would really love to just attend their solo concert, if I happened to come across one. I am really glad for them!
In addition to these concerts, I wanted to see what Kadri Voorand was all about, but... it wasn't something I enjoyed at all. I can't even describe it - maybe in some different context I would like it (like when I had dinner at a restaurant and she was playing live?), but on this evening it wasn't anything special to be honest. Of course her music has something that is beautiful and likable, but I don't know, maybe I was too tired already or had listened to way too much music already, but this just didn't sit well with me. :D

I randomly talked to one music producer from Italy, who really liked Estonia and who was really excited he happened to be here during Tallinn Music Week. We talked about how sad it is that most people can't earn a living working only with music. A lot of the journalists and producers and artists have a different job on the side. Like this Italian guy worked as a lawyer during the day.
I am not a person who would really start talking to strangers, but this was an interesting chat. At first he approached me to compliment my mask (I got one, because I thought that even if it doesn't help, it adds the feeling of security and maybe people won't actually bump into me when they see this) and then we got talking. These kind of chats are ALWAYS super interesting and I would love to talk to more people like him.