2020 goals
2:31:00 AMAt the end of 2019 I set myself 150 small challenges and I thought that now is the time to look them over and see what I have done or haven't done.
Anyway, here they are:
- Get my weight up to 50 kilos. - I haven't reached it yet, but I am super close. It is difficult to deal with it, but day by day it is becoming easier. Like today I thought that my weight has gone up so much again. Because there was some serious overeating at the work event - really, I was in literal pain from eating so much...
- Have cake when out with a friend or family. - This I have done. I immediately thought about when me and my sister and mum went to Saaremaa and Hiiumaa and we had chocolate cake on the ferry back home.
- Get myself a flat. - I didn't really think this will happen, but by now, I have been in my own flat for a little over a week. Yay!
- I read at least 25 books. - I honestly haven't counted how many books I have read this year. But I am afraid it is less than that (but I still have a few more weeks, right... :D)
- Go abroad for work. - If I don't count the training days, I haven't done it.
- Post on blog every Monday and Friday. - In general I did it. A few days I did skip because I was on a holiday.
- Buy myself some jewelry. - I wanted to, but I didn't find the RIGHT one.
- Do the meditation challenge. - I kind of did it, but it wasn't too successful.
- Go to at least one place in Estonia where I haven't been before. - Yes, I went to Hiiumaa island!
- Run a marathon. - Nope, my health didn't allow me to. But next year I am definitely going to do it.
- Use less plastic. - I have done this as much as possible. For example I am really good with using reusable produce and shopping bags.
- Study Norwegian. - Nope, no motivation.
- Go to at least 3 concerts. - Haahaaa, as if! (Corona!)
- Write several articles about music. - I did write something! And also went to Tallinn Music Week!
- Try baking my own bread. - Yes, and I was very successful! :D
- Meet my foreign friends. - Again - corona.
- Travel to at least three countries. - If I only knew what would happen in 2020... :D But well, I did go to Japan! And this equals with at least three countries.
- Try 100 different teas. - Yes, I definitely did that!
- Try baking something new (in addition to my kringel and cake I always make). - Yup, for example I made another cake and sweet potato brownies.
- Go to spa. - Just went there two days ago. :D
- Start doing bouldering again. - I have gone twice this year! Better than nothing.
- Visit my parents more. - This I didn't do, mostly because of corona again. Don't want to accidentally spread it. But I will go home for Christmas.
- Worry less. - I think I might have done that.
- Be more spontaneous. - I actually feel like I have been. :D
- Go to an outdoor adventure park. - Yep, went there on Muhu island with my mum and sister.
- Save money. - Haahaa (I bought a flat, so no :D).
- Celebrate vegan Tuesdays meaning eating vegan on every Tuesday. - This I haven't done, but I will start with my vegan challenge from the next year. And I haven't bought any animal products since moving.
- Write something in addition to having a blog. - This I haven't done at all.
- Read more poetry. - This also.
- Go to cinema more. - I guess? I don't remember how often I went last year so I cannot really compare.
- Go to theater more. - Related to corona, I haven't had a chance to go as much as I would have liked, but I have seen some plays!
- Make more art. - I dunno, I guess not?
- Watch more movies. - Yep. Especially recently. I also have a TV now so this helps too!
- Spend less time in social media. - I think I have actually used it more.
- Drink less soft drinks. - Omg, as if.
- Write a business plan. - Nope. :d I have an idea, but I haven't done anything to realize it.
- Eat more fear foods (like pasta, quinoa). - Yes, this I have done a lot during my challenges.
- Properly fill my bullet journal. - I don't know... it is not as pretty as it could be, but mostly it has filled it's purpose and I have been able to write everything I need down.
- Go eat out more. - Yes, I have done this. And I would like to do it more. I wish there was no corona risk.
- Read more popular scientific papers. - I think I have done this, I have National Geographic subscription now.
- Read more papers and magazines, - Yep, look at the previous point.
- Find new companies to work with. - I haven't really been doing it, but I have connections with Globus Estonia and this is cool!
- Try out a new sport. - I started going to yoga classes.
- Donate extra clothes. - Yes, finally! There were so many things that were just taking up space in my cupboards. I put them all together and gave away. Even though some of them had specific memories connected to them. It felt really good!
- Buy new clothes. - I haven't done that much. But this is good, saving some money and I know that my body is changing.
- Donate to food bank. - When they have these bigger events I have done it. I unfortunately don't remember to do it all the time.
- Walk the dogs in shelter. - Yes!! I have gone with my friend several times, even though we were only able to walk a dog once, because on other times there were too many people and too few dogs who needed to be walked. But this is actually positive.
- Talk to more with my relatives and getting together with them. - I haven't been able to meet them, but I am trying to talk to them more.
- Listen to at least one new artist every week. - I really haven't been keeping up with this, but Tallinn Music Week helped me to discover several new ones. So I don't count this goal as a failed one.
- Learn at least one poem by heart. - Nope, but Christmas is still coming and I should learn something. :D In Estonia we have to recite a poem, sing, dance etc to get our presents from the Santa.
- Try not to move as much. - Yes! Oh boy how buying my own flat has helped with this. I am going home after work, not going to walk around as I used to do due to anorexia. And really, I don't even check my activity tracker to see how many steps I have taken. :D On some days it is really just a few. But this is fairly new progress I have been making.
- Do yoga. - Yep, I love it!
- Watch a Disney movie. - There is still some time... :D
- Take a picture every day. - I did have a challenge with it. Maybe I should do another post of pictures in my week.
- Try new porridges. - I have done those. I have made millet and rice porridge, but still haven't gotten around to make semolina one. But I should, I really crave it.
- Try savoury porridge. - I don't think so? I don't remember when I tried it, was it this year? Anyway, I hated it, so I don't want to do that again. :D But at the same time my friend has porridge with nutritional yeast and is really happy with it. :D
- Make more smoothies. - Haven't done this, but I have had a few this year.
- Use more oil when cooking. - Nope. But I don't avoid it completely. Like it is fine when someone else makes food and uses it. I don't feel like oh no it is too much or "why are they using oil".
- Let others cook for me. - I think I haven't really done it, but a little still. And I have been going out for meals a lot more and this goes here as well.
- Take candies, sweets, cookies etc if I am being offered. - Yes! I have only skipped it if it is something that has meat in it.
- Avoid counting calories. - Sometimes I start and then I just cannot be bothered. Or I do count them and there is too much and stresses me out and then I am like, it doesn't matter, I better not count then. This is huge progress! In things, I generally do check the calories but it is mostly to make sure I am eating enough.
- Clean up 15 minutes every day. - I really haven't done it, but I have tried to keep clean and do at least something every day. I have habit tracker page in my bullet journal and it has a thing that says "cleaning", and whenever I complete it, I get to mark it with an X.
- Go for a hike. - Me and my friend have been talking about going, but life is really busy. I don't know if we will manage to do it this year though, because it is rather cold outside already.
- Meet new people and get new aquaintances. - Yes, definitely have done that.
- Try new craft beers. - Yes, and also not craft beers. Like yesterday I tried this almond flavoured dark beer. It was okay. Nothing amazing, but still pretty good.
- Watch some Estonian movies. - Haven't done this I think?
- Listen to more Estonian music. - Well, during Tallinn Music Week I did listen to a lot of new artists and it was pretty cool. I had a phase in summer where I did listen more Estonian stuff.
- Get some more ear piercings. - This is in my to do list and I hope to do it this year.
- Use less "I'm too lazy". - Sometimes I get all motivated when I conciously remind myself not to use this. :D But yeah, it is easy to say.
- Be awake for longer (really, going to bed at 9 is a bit tooooo early). - Now that I have my own flat I stay awaye way longer. :D Or sometimes I visit people and get home really late. This is good.
- Learn to understand and express my emotions better. - Well first of all I need to wait to get my emotions back, though I am on my way. Last meeting with my doctor went really well and I talked about the meds. He said he is hoping to get the dosage down by march and maybe get me off meds by next summer. There is hope.
- Try and create my own recipe.- I have tried with some. For example my sweet potato brownies were my own creation.
- Get braces. - Yes!
- Borrow more books from the library. - I haven't been to the library in a really long time, I need to change this.
- If necessary, I will go to the hospital again. - I am glad to say that this hasn't had to happen.
- Talk more when around people. - I don't really know how to evaluate this. There hasn't been many meetings.
- Write down three positive things each day. - Not really each day, but I have tried doing it. Or if I don't write things down, I still think of at least three good things every morning.
- Have more liquid calories and get over the fear of them. - I can be proud that I have done this.
- Try new food things (for example in Japan!). - Yes! For example I tried natto in Japan. :d I really would like to try seitan now, but I don't know where I can get it.
- Send more letters and postcards. - I don't think I have done this. Some, but not many. I am not sending Christmas cards either this year, because sending them actually costs quite a bit. And if I started sending them, I would like to send it to more people.
- Give more compliments. - I have tried doing this and it makes me feel good.
- Make decisions faster and be more sure of myself. - Yep, definitely have gotten better in it. And saying what I want.
- Go to stores less (even food stores). - A little, yes. On some period I used to walk around in stores a lot. Now I have done it less. Because of the corona it also doesn't seem right.
- Be more supportive of my friends and family. - Yes, I think so. I have enough energy to offer help now.
- Find a good psychologist for myself. - I still go to the same psychologist, but I have grown to appreciate her.
- Buy myself a TV (our current one hasn't worked for years already). Yep, I have been the owner of a TV for a week and a half now and this is so nice!
- Drink less coffee. - I think I have more coffee... :D
- Visit someone abroad. - We went to see a friend in Japan!
- Try and make a travel video. - I didn't do this because I didn't film anything.
- Play more board games. - I have played quite a bit, when my sister has had a friend over. But I would like to have some more board game nights.
- Intvite friends and family over. - I still haven't had a chance to do that, because I just moved.
- Join a gym. - Yes, I go to yoga and all. Though at the moment I am not paying for next month, because it is Christmas and I don't want to waste money and I can't go during Christmas.
- Read all the Harry Potter books again. - At the moment I am reading the second book.
- Watch all the Harry Potter movies again. - We watched the first one on Sunday.
- Grow herbs at home. - At the moment I haven't done it, but it is in my to do list. I just need to think of a way to save the plants from Motu.
- Learn to rest. - I still haven't mastered it, but I am definitely better at it.
- Subscribe to a magazine. - Yes, I wrote about my National Geographic subscription.
- Borrow and ride a bike. - Unfortunately I haven't done this, maybe next summer?
- Have a dinner party for my family. - This I also haven't been able to do, because I just moved. This is definitely something I want to have though.
- Have something other than porridge in the morning. - Hehehehe, this is this week's challenge. I will post about it on Friday!
- Go to swim in the sea. - Didn't do that even once. :(
- Connect with people who I haven't talked to for ages. - I have been trying to do it, and generally people have been really happy about it. This is nice.
- Trying to be more honest towards myself and others. - Yes, definitely.
- Go mushroom picking, - Meh, didn't get to that.
- Start investing/saving. - I joined a program in bank which always rounds off how much I spend in the store and transfers the cents left to another account to save like this. It is pretty cool.
- Write a diary in addition to my blog. - Haven't done this, but sometimes I feel like I should. When I want to write my emotions down more precicely. But at the same time I am quite open in my blog anyway.
- Print out more photos and put them into a notebook. - Haven't done that. I should get some Japan pics printed out though.
- Do some training, - Haven't joined a training (like baking etc) that I wanted to do, but there have been some training days at work so I can check this off.
- Delete unneccessary pictures from my computer. - Well, so-so.
- Delete unneccessary pictures and videos from my phone. - Same.
- Practice writing (for example for my bullet journal). - Nope. Haven't felt like doing it.
- Make my bed every morning. - Yes! I can't imagine leaving it messy when I get up. It really bothers me. :D
- Watch more documentaries. - I have seen a few, yes!
- Listen to more podcasts. - This I have definitely been doing.
- Write down my dreams. - I haven't really written them down, but I have been retelling them to people.
- Try and write poetry. - I did have a period where I tried, but not much.
- Smile more. - I don't know, I guess not? It is not the nicest thing to do with braces. :D When I get rid of them finally, I will do it a lot though. :D
- Make more food to take to work with me. - Yes, I have done this a lot.
- Have less added sugar. - Mmmmm... I don't know. A little I think? But I drink so much Coca Cola Zero.
- Drink more water. - Sometimes.
- Learn to do pushups. - Now because I have this push up challenge I have done them more.
- Surprise people more. - I have done this. :D It really makes me feel good!
- Learn new English words. - Nope. I haven't really read English books either to learn something new.
- Worry less. - Yes. My weight has started to go up, but I worry way less about it? Weird connection. And other things also cause less stress somehow.
- Play with my cat more. - If only he was up for it.
- Do more challenges. - Yes, I have done so many!
- Take a hold of new opportunities. - I think so.
- Connect my work and hobbies. - Nope, haven't been successful. Ideally I would connect them.
- Try new things in order to find something interesting to do. - I don't know, I have been revisiting my old loves, like bouldering, running etc.
- Break my routine. - Mhmh, especially lately. Almost every day I meet someone, do something or go somwhere.
- Get more use out of my free time. - I don't know. I have rested more, which is quite a big thing for me.
- Make my own recipe book. - Well, I do have a notebook where I write recipes down and this is pretty cute.
- Call more instead of sending messages. - Sometimes.
- Make more thoughtful presents. - I have tried doing it and I think I have been quite successful.
- Watch more series (for example continue with Doctor Who...). - Yes. I watched Living With Yourself with a friend, also Queen's Gambit and I am watching Brooklyn 99 with my sister etc.
- Read more blogs. - I have found some new ones and done that.
- Do something cool with my hair. - When I went to Japan, my hair was blue. Now I should cut them or something.
- Learn to do better make up. - Nope. But I haven't had any motivation or reason to do this either.
- Get rid of my meds. - Not yet, but hopefully within next year I will!
- Host a giveaway. - Haven't done it, though it would be cool.
- Play a computer game. - I played Age of Empries a lot for some time. :D
- Read someone's life book. - Haven't done it, but I haven't found an interesting one.
- Learn new stuff at work. - Definitely.
- Do something nice for a stranger. - I don't know, maybe? I have been trying to be mindful and notice small things and help people.
- Set myself some goals (I can get some inspiration from this list). - Yes, I have set a lot of small goals and fulfilled them.
- Practice being grateful. - Definitely.
- Tell people more how much they mean to me. - Yep. Have done this in real life and also on the phone.
- Think more about the future. - This is kind of depressing, but in general yes.
- Won't make any more of these kind of crazy lists. - Yes, not going to do that this year. :D
- Fulfill at least some of the goals here. - Yes!

But what should I set as new year's goals? I think that maybe I will write down three bigger points to get some inspiration from?
1. Get well. It means gaining weight, it means getting rid of my eating disorder and meds. I feel so motivated at the moment. I hope next year I can look back at this and write YES, I have done it. This would be so cool!
2. Maintain good relationships.Friendships, relationships with my family etc. Relationships have become much more important to me recenrly. I like hanging out with people and be off of my routine. I thought for a long time that I want to be alone, have my own rhythm, my own routine, do my own thing, be my own boss. But actually relationships are so-so important.
3. Be more successful at work. I like my job. At the moment I will continue working here, so I have hope. I want to be good at what I do, get to know things better and continue studying next year. So there are some small goals in this big one.
About my weekend I wanted to mention that my dad came to down and helped me to pick out some furniture. He also helped to assemble it. And also I got my cat with me now. He is really stressed though and spent the whole day under the bed. Now in the morning when I went to work he finally started eating. I feel so much better now.

He scrached me a lot when I captured him and he also ripped my winter jacket, but I can't even be angry at him. I feel so bad.

Anyway yes, this was today's post. Nothing new or interesting, but I thought I'd mention I started a new challenge and it is really exciting. Post about this coming on Friday. :D
What are your goals for next year and what did you do in 2020?