Review: restaurant ÜLO / gym free week
12:36:00 AMAnother time I had lunch outside this weekend and this time we went to a restaurant called ÜLO. I have been wanting to go there for ages. Now in past few weeks this is third time eating out. It was a bit stressful, not gonna lie, but it was less so than past times. This is becoming normal and nothing to be scared of it seems.
The restaurant itself is really nice. Quiet. There were a few other tables vesides us, but not too many. At the same time you couldn't hear what other people were talking about, so that is a plus. I don't really like places that are echo-y and it is difficult to talk.
Interior was nice and pretty. It really fit into the area it is located at. It was more important to eat and chat with my companion, so I can't really talk too much about the atmosphere. :D
Again - really nice. It was fast and considering. Menus were brought to the table right away and the girl came and took our order soon eough.
Near us a lady dropped her wine glass and it was dealt with really fast and without any hassle. So this is a huge plus. :D The food came fast again. For example when we went to Commune Cafe, it had a lot of customers and we had to wait for quite a long time to be honest. But they warned us, so it was fine. :D Anyway, I really liked ÜLO.
For the food we picked mushroom tacos and also sweet potato fries with kimchi.

Taco was amazing. Really good mix of tastes. Well, it wasn't too pretty to eat, but it is like that with tacos. :D Anyway, the tortilla was soft, so it made it a bit easier. Would have been even more messy with a hard shell.
And kimchi fries were okay. It also had some mayo on top and it was really good. The kimchi itself was more like sauerkraut, it didn't seem to have the right seasoning. Quite similar to the ones they have at Burger Box (where we also thought about going, but we planned for ÜLO this time).
To conclude, I was really happy with the food and I want to go back for sure.
I also wanted to write about not going to the gym for a whole week. I really didn't plan it, and I would have loved to go, but there were so many other things I had to do. I am regretting it a bit, but not because oh now I couldn't burn calories, but because I have paid for the whole month and it is makes no sense to not go. :D
Monday was fine, because it was the beginning of the week and I didn't have time. Instead I went home, made nice meal for me and my sister and enjoyed the evening as good as I could. First day in like a week and a half where I didn't do anything with anyone and didn't have any plans. It was nice. :D Sometimes I need this MY-time a little. And I needed to rest. Resting is something I am not really good at and I need to practice it more.
On Tuesday I went to a friend's place and we talked and watched some TV. It was a nice calm evening. Ah, we also had some mulled wine, because I made this small "pick me up" gift for them, because their situation has been a bit difficult recently.
On Wednesday I went to another friend's place and it was soooo nice. At work I had a tough day and it really helped me. Also her kid is waiting for "aunty Singe" all the time, so I couldn't not go. :D I also went to Kristiine shopping center for a bit to get some gifts, because it is Christmas soon! It is already December, that is crazy!
On Thursday I went to a friend's place again and we watched ELF. I had never seen it! And it was quite good. Not my favourite, but a nice watch still. :D I do understand now why people like it and why it seems that every human being on the planet earth has seen it.
And on Friday I went to visit a friend again. :D Actually I had a plan to go to the gym, but because of the circumstances, I had home office and also saw my doctor. And as I had a plan to visit someone, I was too tired to go to the gym on that day. Also, when I went to the doctor's, I got to do some walking anyway.
Anyway, to sum up - I didn't gain a ton of weight. It didn't matter that I didn't work out at all. I understood that in fact I don't have to do it. By the end of the week my thought about needing to go to the gym had disappeared. And on Saturday, when I went to the yoga class, it was just to feel good mentally. And I wanted to go, there were no eating disorder driven reasons.
Now it is Monday and I am feeling okay. My weight went a bit up again, but it was because me and my sister had a whole 500 gram pack of pistachio nuts and they were salty. And we also had some mulled wine. All this salt and water and stuff probably just added up, it won't exit your system as fast as you may think. I have FINALLY realised this. :D
And I am not really bothered by it. Things are going as they need to go and sometimes you just need to enjoy life. Also, it was our last evening together like this for I don't know how long, because yesterday I got the keys to my own flat!

I went to look over the flat and get the keys on Sunday and it was sooooo weird. I sat on the bed and just looked at the livingroom and I don't understand that this is now mine. For a week I am still staying with my sister, because I don't want to carry everything home by hand, but today I am going there, as some technician guy is coming to set up the internet. I also thought I will wash the floors, so it would be done. The flat is clean, so that is good. I don't need to do much else.
Now I need some furniture. On Saturday I went to IKEA and Masku with a friend, but I still didn't find a sofa I like D:. I don't know what to do. I NEED it. For the flat I in general need quite a bit of stuff. Sofa, table, some kind of shelf, new cupboard for the bathroom, TV... and there are a lot of things probably still.
I am so happy people have offered help and said that they are coming to carry my stuff if necessary. Someone even offered to help me out with a car, if the things fit. We shall see how this goes. Anyway, I am excited. I thought about adding some pictures here, but I will do that once I have settled in. Also, I want to show how cool lights I have and omg omg omg I am sooo excited.