Perfect evening in the new flat plus a challenge
3:34:00 AMI have been thinking what I would like my first evening in my OWN FLAT to be. It has been in my mind for years and I have hoped that this time comes. And it did. It is now.
Actually right now (on Sunday evening) it is not my first evening here, but kind of is. Yesterday my parents were in Tallinn and just left around 9pm, because we had so much to do. But now, coming back to today.
I would like to have pizza. The proper takeaway one. And have some sparkling wine. Talk to someone, sit on the floor on the carpet and just be, listen to the music (for example right now Christmas songs are playing) and endoy the peace that comes with YOUR OWN HOME.
And this is what my roday is like. I am waiting for a mate and I have sparkling wine in the fridge. I have ordered two vegan pizzas and... I am smiling. I just discovered this. :D I have been super stressed out about the pizza all day and I even wrote to my friend, asking if we are really going to order it (they said that if it is too difficult, we don't have to) but... as we can see, we are doing it. :D And I am smiling and looking at my small Christmas tree and at my big TV and I am thinking I am going to lit a candle soon.
Basically yesterday and moving day was SUPER difficult. My parents were supposed to come by 9 am and we had to take stuff downstares by this time already (moving from fifth floor to fifth floor is NOT FUN BTW). And then we had half of the bags and boxes downstairs, when my mum wrote that something is broken in the car. And that we cancel the moving. They were literally 30 kms away from Tallinn. My heart dropped and I felt like crying. We started to carry all the stuff back upstairs. And I thought that okay, I will take some things and still go to the new place, because I didn't want to waste the whole day. I looked at the bus times and got my things together and was about to go when my mum wrote, saying the car was fixed and they are coming. We just had to take the stuff downstairs AGAIN. I couldn't believe it!!!
With this, I would also like to say a big thank you to my friends who IMMEDIATELY contacted me and offered help. I cried a little and sent you some hearts. I felt a lot better.
Anyway, we still had to carry all the stuff. And it really felt like it will never be done. There were so many bags and boxes and I just have too much stuff! My home cleaning challenge was a big fat fail. :D In the end I just threw everything into bags and boxes. Honestly, moving is not as pretty and glamorous as movies make it out to seem! It's a trick!
We finally managed to get most of the things downstairs when my parents arrived. My dad started to load up the car and me, sister and mum carried rest of the things down as well. It took a loooong time.
Then we rested for a bit, made some coffee and headed to my new flat! I was really anxious, thinking that maybe my parents' don't like my new place, but they were really happy with my decision. It felt so good! As soon as we managed to get stuff upstairs (now it is Monday and my muscles are so sore. :D) we moved on and went to some furniture stores, because I had a goal to get a sofa. But it seemed to be impossible.
We went to several places, in one I already picked stuff out, but then something happened and we didn't get the things. Then we went to have some lunch and I had wrap with vegan kebab and it was AMAZING, honestly! Then after this we went to IKEA for a moment and then headed to Rug. And there I found the love of my life!

We picked a sofa out and at first it seemed that the corner is on the wrong side, but it could be changed! We had to drive to pick it up from the warehouse and they were already closed but someone was still there and waited for us, yay! :D It felt soooo good. Also got a TV and vacuum cleaner. Then we went back to my place, my parents started to carry the sofa upstairs and me and my sister went to buy food and other things.
We finally had some dinner, my parents set the sofa up and I did some unpacking. And then finally I spent my evening in the flat alone and just enjoyed being there, silence... I turned the TV on thought and it felt not so lonely. It was so nice.
And then it was Sunday. During the day I went to some stores with my best friend, got some things for the flat and stuff. Then I went home, went to see another flat with my sister and we are finally back to my pizza night challenge.
It was nice. Fantastic. Exactly how I imagined it to be. :D I got my pizza, I got my prosecco, I got my company. The TV was playing, we sort of watched it. Just enjoyed being. Went to see all the rooms several times. :D It was just so nice, sitting and talking. And then my friend was like, hey, can we see all the rooms one more time. It felt so nice. Like, someone is just as excited for me as I am?!
Anyway yes. Now on Monday morning while writing this I am thinking that all the calories were worth the perfect evening. And I don't know, I think I explained here how this flat seemed too good for me? Well, I am just genuinelt happy now!
I still need the new TV stand, I want a shelf and table. My dad is probably coming on Friday and then we can organize these things. :)
Also I will start with the new challenge. From the first of January I am trying to become full vegan, but starting from my move, I have decided not to buy any animal products at all. But if I go out or someone offers me something, I will still have milk and eggs. I will just generally try not to have them though. :D We shall see how it goes. Like yesterday it was 100% vegan day and I didn't feel like missing out at all, it was really cool.
So these are the recent stories from my. I am so excited. My weight had gone up, but I almost forgot it right away to be honest. :D
But anyway, time to have some fresh pastries and coffee at work!