Breakfast challenge / toast
1:54:00 AMI have been wanting to do this for suchhhh a long time. :D I don't know if this is the best idea though, because I already miss porridge. But anyway, I decided that for a week (or actually five days) I will change up my breakfasts.
Instead of porridge I have made different sandwiches in order to try to discover what I also would like and to try new things. I guess a part of this is driven by an eating disorder as well, porridge is so called safe food for me. So I wanted to try something new!
At first I wanted to try more things, like pancakes, waffles, omelette etc, but it soon became a toast challenge.

Today I finally had this classic, aka toast with peanut butter, banana and pumpkin pie spice. I of course had coffee with oatmilk on the side. Anyway, it tasted... good. For some reason I thought that it won't fill me up enough, but hey, it did! When I had my morning snack, I wasn't even hungry. I still had a snack though, because I know I need to have them, but still. :D
I think if I were to have it again, I would cut thinner slices of the banana and add more peanut butter. And more spices. But it was good for a first try plus looked really tasty. Also I am used to having sweet breakfasts, so it suited well.
All in all I would say that I would totally have it again, but not for breakfast. Maybe for a snack or why not for lunch. Should I rate it? Well... 7.5/10.

Today I actually planned to have beans on toast, but the can broke and I couldn't open it as I didn't have the can opener. :D So instead I had to have hummus on toast with cherry tomatoes, which was not bad either.
It again came as a surprise how full I was after having it. It was also first time in I don't know how many months when I had savoury breakfast. But it wasn't bad by now means, it was really nice. And also with coffee, nothing bad to say about it.
I was not a big fan of this hummus though, it was with herbs. It is really particular and only sold in two stores. But I wasn't bothered and just went with it. The price was also better than other hummus, so I am not complaining in that sense. For this breakfast I would give 7/10. Nothing too special, I mean I have had this kind of thing for lunch before.

Today I finally got to have my beans on toast, which was... really good! I didn't expect to like it as much. :D I also added vegan butter on my toast and it really added something to it.
It was nice and filling and hearty. I kind of burned my tongue a little, because I was hungry and couldn't wait for the beans to cool down. :D But in all honesty I would say I liked it even more than peanut butter and banana on toast, which came as a surprise, because I love sweet stuff. 8/10 for sure and I am thinking that I wouldn't mind having it again.
It is half mandatory to work from home starting next week, so I think I will have it as a lunch on some days. Because at the moment I am still sure I will go back to my morning porridge. :D I am planning to have so much porridge you have no idea. :D
Also I think I will try new stuff in porridge as well. Like I have a bag of steel cut oats that I haven't yet tried and I really want to have semolina porrige finally.
Two more days and I have some good ideas. For tomorrow I can say it is going to be something sweet, but on Friday it will be savoury. But well, balance is important.

Today I had the biggest challenge of this week and made French toast. And it was so good. I have made it once before, but then it was a complete fail, though this time it was amazing!
I made it vegan, so I added oatmilk, sugar, pumpkin pie spice (it is a spice mix with cinnamon and stuff) and oatbran. I soaked the bread and threw it on a pan.
They fried up so well and they were still hot when I started to eat them. I added banana and frozen blueberries on top (put blueberries into the microwave for a moment to melt them). And it was... just fantastic. Honestly, I even thought that I could have it instead of porridge. :D Surprising, but this is how it was. When I will make them again, I will definitely add some peanut butter and something on top. Or jam and butter, same sauce... Anyway, I am really excited over it. :D I think I will also make some during my lunches now. Or have some as a snack. I have a chance thanks to working from home now.
Last time I made that, I had it with an egg, and I guess that was the part I didn't like. Most of the vegan recipes had chia seeds or linen seeds in it, but I found one that used flour. Instead of flour I improvised and added oatbran, which was a really good idea. It was so nice!
For sure this is 9.5/10. Or even 10/10, because it was just that good omg.
It is difficult to deal with my weight gain. On the weekend I will be having a small housewarming party and I am bit anxious over it, especially as I had gained 900 grams overnight again.
On Tuesday I went to have donuts with a friend. In addition to my regular meals and snacks. I was shocked how strongly it affected me. My hands were shaking so hard, but luckily we just chatted for a while and my thoughts were not on food. There is this one donut shop in the shopping center we went to. Took Lotos biscuite ones. I don't think it was something amazing (I would like to try other flavours :D), but it was still pretty good. They also have bubble tea, which I still haven't tried but would like to. Maybe we will get around to it!
But I mean, this is normal. I don't have to pre-plan all of my meals and snacks, I can just go along with things. So I think this donut meeting was a success.
But yeah, I am bothered by my weight. I have to admit that I have tried restricting, but I cannnot do it anymore. Like, I see things. For example someone brought some candy to woek, and I just had several, because I have been wanting to try those candies. :D Weird.
I have big plans for Saturday. I will make everything 100% vegan, which is really cool in my opinion! I will take some pictures and maybe post about it as well, like what to offer to guests on a party. I am really quite excited. It has been a dream of mine for a long time to have people over and make some food for them! :D I have already started buying some things, because I can't carry everything home at once and it feels like I am spending less like this, haha. Obviously not, but I do everything to make me feel better, right. :D
Weird, I got this idea of keepin up with having different breakfasts. I would like to try just cereal or make pancakes. Or tofu scaramble would be good as well. I should get some black salt for it to make it more eggy. And then add it to toast? Mmm, sounds super good! What else there is in breakfast foods...
For example bagel. I am sad that out foodstores don't have bagels, I would really like a few. And these crumpets things. I guess I could make them myself, I could try. Also I would like to have just croissant for breakfast or some other kind of pastry and why not these thick waffles. I should get a waffle maker. Oh, it is actually less than 10 euros, I could get it easily. :D
Now finally 4 days after starting this challenge have started to see how big the breakfast world is. What kind of other breakfasts there is? Mmm... I can remember English breakfast, potato hashbrowns... then there is alos shakshuka, which is really nice. Also I still haven't tried pb and jelly on toast... Aahhh, there are so many things I want. :D Honestly, sometimes I go to sleep early in order to get up and eat. Even though it has been happening less now, because I eat enough and I don't feel hungry and I don't have to think that oh I will go to bed fast, then I can eat again.

Today my avocado was finally ripe enough to eat. So I made avocado toast.
I used to not be a fan of avocados, and I am not obsessed with it right now either. At one point I thought it was because I was afraid of it, but I don't know. Today showed me that I am not scared.
And avocado toast was good! I added salt and pepper, because without it it is just too bland. :D But anyway, really nice and creamy breakfast. I think I would rate it as 7/10. Would have again. Could be good for lunch.
And it was a bonus that it was perfectly ripe. And perfect on the inside, no dark pieces or anything. :D I managed to wait until it was perfect.
Anyway yes, this was this week's challenge. I wonder if I should go back to my porridge from tomorrow, or keep going with other breakfasts. :D I bought myself a pack of cereal and why not make pancakes in the end... I don't know if I dare to say it, but I seem to be... over porridge?
It has really showed me that the porridge was just... safe food. And maybe I didn't have it every morning because I love it, but because it was something I dared to have. :D
I think I will make porridge tomorrow and see how I feel. But it is just good to know that I can have something other and make decisions based on my cravings. :)
All in all this was one of the most interesting challenges and I am really glad I tackled it. :D