Grains challenge
2:58:00 AMBefore I talk about my new challenge, I wanted to recommend reading this story. It is really short, but so gentle and beautiful. It tells... how to support an ED sufferer I think? I can't explain it. I think this is the best thing you can do. Forcing an anorexic to eat is not the way to go. One of my relationships came to an end, because the other person wanted to heal me. This is not possible. And friends can't do it either. You can't help someone if they don't want it. You can't be a doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist. It is a completely different thing. So... you should keep that in mind. My illness is not your fault. It is no ones fault. Yes, you may have made comments that cause a period of restriction, but I repeat it again - it is not your fault. Anything can be a trigger. If you are afraid of being one, you can't say anthing, talk anyting and this is not possible. :D Anyway yes, I think this story is adorable and a nice read.
But now on to my challenge:
Day one
I don't know, why, but I always feel like you can eat only a little when it comes to grains. And it was time to prove myself wrong. So on the firsd day I made some stew with raw buckwheat. I don't like regular buckwheat, so I kind of replaced it with more acceptable grain.

I fried up onion and garlic, added mushrooms and carrots and let it simmer for a little, after adding raw buckwheat. Then I poured some coconut milk into it and seasoned it with curry and chilli. Let it simmer for another ten minutes and it was good to go. I made a huge salad on the side, because I need to have something fresh with every meal, as I have said previously.
And it tasted amazing! Raw buckwheat is so underrated, our own superfood! I made this for two days and took 60 grams per meal. Also I love foods that have carrots in them. :D Also I wanted it to be a little spicy, so I added chilli. And I used proper Garam Masala, not this weird curry powder that doesn't really taste like curry.
Anyway yes, I was full enough and the portion didn't seem that small. I even thought that I don't need dessert. But of course I had something sweet as well. I tried this new vegan chocolate pudding and I also had a whole pack of Doritos chips. I never snack during the day anymore and then have all the snacks in the evening at once. It seems to be working, as my weight has started to pile on again.
I haven't mentioned my weight in a while, but it is steadily going up. It was difficult to get out of this comfort zone, but I have managed.
Day two

I really wanted to make lentil dahl, but I used up my coconut milk for this. :D Anyway, it was extra good on the second day, because it was so well seasoned. Also I have started to get over this having same food for two days in a row. Yeah, I could have made another thing and switched it up, like I did on my pasta challenge. But I really couldn't be bothered. And it was nice to know I have food ready.
On the side I had some salad, as always. What do I usually have in the salad? Romaine is my favourite, and then I add belle peppers, cucumber and some cherry tomatoes. And I have some premade sauce, but it is also good to make with with apple cider vinegar and a little bit of sugar. Nice and light. I usually make this when I am not having a cottage cheese salad. Anyway, it fit well with something a bit more heavier. But I will definitely get around to making lentil dahl at one point, because it sounds amazing and when I have had it previously, I have really liked it. I guess I really need to do the challenge with new recipes. :D
I wish I had had coocnut oil, so it would have been even more coconutty, but it was fine like this as well. I know for the future then. Anyway yes, now I have an open bag of raw buckwheat and I will definitely start having it more. Like I really didn't think these challenges would be that good, but they really do help me. Like I have made pasta so many times now and I have really enjoyed it!
Day three
I got some pearl couscous a looong time ago. I really like it, but I have never made it myself. Also the portions were good, devided and 75 grams per package. Enough for one meal exactly.

Anyway, I fried up some onion and garlic, then added some frozen vegetables and also a whole zucchini. On the side I boiled the couscous and then put everything on the pan. Seasoned it with soy sauce, chilli and basil (and of course salt and pepper, that is given) and served with salad. Salad was the same as on previous day, but instead of romaine I had spinach.
I didn't like it as much, but it was provablt due to the fact it was SUPER SPICY. I accidentally added way too much of it. :D It was good, other than that, but kind of ruined it myself.
Aaa, I also wanted to mention that every day I had snacks and dessert and also had proper meals throughout the day. So yes. I think I could have used even more couscous, to be honest. :D At least I tried it. I don't feel like making it again, but I will definitely use couscous more often. I don't like having too many open packages.
Day four

It was the same as yesterday. :D But this time I added some mayo on top, to calm down the spices. It worked well. Soy sauce and mayo is a grea combo, btw. Sometimes I make sushi bowl and add some mayo on top, it goes really well. Highly recommend.
For the second day I always have much more leftover than what I have on the first. Anyway, I was really full up. After that I also had an ice cream and some sour candies and I watched Estonian Eurovision song picking thingy. The songs weren't really good to be honest. And I don't even remember any of them.
Day five
For today I have big plans, which are also the scariest. Because... quinoa. Quinoa, quinoa, quinoa. This good and awesome thing. But it seems sooooo scary. Because there is so little of it, and you can have only a bit. But I will make a proper meal with it.
I am also planning to bake some sweet potato and mix everything with veggies and pickled ginger. Sounds good, but we shall see how it comes out. I imagine it will be very colourful.

And it was. Also this was my favourite meal of the week! I added quinoa, sweet potato, pickled ginger, tomato, cucumber and spinach. And on top I drizzled some sriracha garlic sauce, which was really good. It was spicy, but not too spicy, as on previous days. :D
I had this three coulured quinoa, it is really good. Honestly getting this is kind of a funny story. When I was at the hospital, on my day of leaving, a girl just gave me a bag of vacuum sealed quinoa, haha. Really random. Also, I mean the hospital in Tallinn, not the Tartu one. It would have been even weirder there. :D
I didn't change. I have gained a bit of weight, but thanks to having bigger lunces. When I had a bowl of soup, I wouldn't add bread, but I have done so now. Also I have had lunch dessert every day now. So yeah, I wouldn't put this weight gain on grains. Definitely not.
I feel good. These foods were filling and delicious and I will definitely make them again. There are a lot of grains I didn't have, for example bulgur, and all the others. I really like that there are now frozen bags of vegetables with grains as well, really easy and fast to make.
I feel like I should make normal buckwheat again to see if I still don't like it. :D Been wondering about it now.
I kind of want to do another no spend challenge, because I have quite a bit of food at home. Like rice and beans etc. But it would be diffiult not to have fresh things. But I could still give it a go.
While writing this post, it was Monday morning, and I was doing another 24 hour challenge. :D I think I have a really good idea. At least I am feeling like it is. :D Maybe it is stupid, who knows.
This week will be weird, because it is Estonia's independence day on Wednesday. I don't know what to do. It would have been nice if it was on Friday or Monday, would have gotten a longer weekend. But this kind of devides the work week. But oh well, we will manage. Just, I don't know. I am BORED ALL THE TIME. I read quite a bit during the weekend, but I was still bored. Watching TV is boring. Series and films feel stupid. I still haven't signed up for an online course. I am just so done with everything. On one day I tried doing yoga, but only managed ten minutes. Õõõõõõõh. I don't understand how other people are dealing with boredom.