Vegan products I tried in January
2:02:00 AMBefore I get to reviewing vegan products I tried in January, I wanted to write a little about progress that has been going on for me. Or I am not sure if this can be called progress. But I will write it down anyway.
On Saturday I went to my sister's place (and I also started with rice challenge) and we ate and drank a bit. Anyway, I could have easily filmed it, make it into YouTube calorie challenge, get some views and become rich. Okay, maybe I am overdoing it a little, but not by much.
Anyway on the next day I felt so shitty and angry at myself. How did I do that again? Binging. Then I still had breakfast and motivated myself to go and visit my friend, we walked around for a bit with her baby and it was super nice. And then I got over this anger for the most part. I was like, okay, it happened and I can't do anything about it. And instead of resticting myself or making myself move around, I went to the store, got some food for lunch and also dinner and I took the bus home. There I took a shower, did a face mask and hair mask and was gentle to myself, friendly and supportive.
Like, it felt so weird. Usually I am always angry the whole day, make myself walk 25k steps and skip lunches for several days in a row. So yeah, this self-soothing was like... nice.
I really hope that something like this won't happen again, but I managed it. I felt shit, but I accepted it, because there really wasn't anything else to do.
I wanted to add something about my previous post. My 200 grams of weight gain was definitely not due to having pasta. It could have been water weight or something. And I didn't write it down to scare someone, my goal was to show that no, you don't gain weight even if you eat pasta daily. I hoped you would understand, but considering some comments I got, it was an issue.
Now here are all the vegan products I tried in January:
Mister Free'd tortillakrõpsud juustuga (Mister Free'd tortilla chips with vegan cheese)

I got these from Selver and they sat on my cupboard for a while, as I ws too scared of having them. I knew I would have the whole bag once it was opened. And I did. It tasted AMAZING. Normal tortilla chips are always too bland for my liking, unless you are having chilli ones. But these were seriously good. Like for real, when I finished the bag, I still craved for more. These were better than normal potato chips that are also my obsession currently. So I highly recommend them! There are also beetroot and spinach tortillas from the same company that I am yet to try. Anyway, this gets 9,5/10. Really good!
Vegeplus gouda juust (Vegeplus Gouda cheese)
I had it without anything, then on a slice of bread and also on pizza. And I really liked it. It wasn't as good on its own than Violife's pizza zhreds, but it still was okay. On bread with tomatoes and cucumber it was really good and it really suited on pizza as well. I wasn't as melty as Violife, but everyone liked it. It is definitely something I would get again and I would like to try other flavours as well, because there was a ton. 7/10 for sure.
Valsoia trühvlijäätis (Valsoia truffle ice cream)
This was really good! Sweet and nice. I didn't feel like eating vegan ice cream at all, so I think this is good. Anyway, I really liked it. Not one of my favourite ice creams ever but I am not complaining. This company also has tiramisu flavoured one that I am yet to try. But for this I would give 7/10.
Alpro mandli-soolakaramellijäätis (Alpro almond-salted caramel ice cream)
Well this was simply fantastic. I think it is one of my favourite ice creams I have ever had! On the second place there is LaMuu brownie one. I really liked the almond pieces and salted caramel sauce... there was plenty of it! Anyway, I recommend it. Also it wasn't too expensive, considering it was vegan ice cream. 9/10.
Cocodeli joogojogurt mustikaga (Cocodeli drinking yoghurt with blueberries)
I couldn't find it online, but I tried it anyway, as my friend got it for me for my housewarming party. And it was good. A bit too liquidy, but it tasted amazing anyway! I could taste some coconut, which I really liked. I am not a big fan of drinking yoghurts, but this was 7/10.
Cocodeli mustikajogurt (Cocodeli blueberry yoghurt)
This was a lot thicker and I had it with a slice of banana bread. It was such a good combo! I got kind of scared looking at the calories, as there was loads, even more than non-vegan yoghurts usually have. But well, the taste was good and I enjoyed it, definitely one of the best yoghurt alternatives. 7,5/10.
Tere köögikreem (Tere cooking cream)
I made pasta with it and was kind of scared of it tasting slightly sweet as their oatmilk is. This is cooking cream made of oats, btw. So I tried it before adding to my pasta. And it was just like normal cream. :D Anyway, it went well with the pasta and I will surely use it again. Really no different from non-vegan stuff. 8,5/10.
Köömnetega tofu (Tofu with cumin seeds)
I normally use bland tofu or one with dill, but I wanted to try this. I made tofu scramble with it, which came out really well. I couldn't really taste the cumin seeds which was a bit unfortunate. It was like other tofus I have tried, can't say anything bad about it. 7/10, would recommend!
Marta Pagari peedihummus (Marta Pagar beetroot hummus)
First mouthful was really good, but in the end I didn't really like it that much. I prefer their other flavours, but I think their regular one is still the best. But I ate it and if someone offered it, I would have it again. This was just one thing I really wanted to try. It was slightly sweet. I had it with just veggies and it was really nice to be honest. But not my favourite. 6/10.
Kellogg's müsli kookose ja india pähklitega (Kellogg's muesli with coconut and cashews)
For real, it took me 20 minutes on the muesli section to decide on it. And on the next day I had it for breakfast and I was kind of "meh" about it. But it is possible that it was because I added a lot of frozen berries and couldn't taste the muesli much. On the next day I tried it again and warmed the berries up beforehand. Also added more muesli than on the previous day. And I REALLY liked it. I just had it plain as well and it was extra good like this. Anyway, I love it. :D Coconut was what actually helped me to make the decision. I love coconut flavoured things and coconut shavings so much. I highly recommend. And it is a good challenge, as I am terrified of granola and muesli. 9/10.
Pastakaste tofuga (Pasta sauce with tofu)
I have had this tomato pasta sauce with soy mince before, but not this one. And I think this one is better. It fit well with pasta, onion, garlic and carrots. I also topped the whole dish off with some nutritional yeast and spinach. It was very good all together. :D I would buy it again if it was on sale. Very convenient. It was a bit sour so I added a little sugar as well. But I loved it! 7/10.
Marta Pagari hummus apelsini ja porgandiga (Marta Pagar hummus with orange and carrot)
Honestly I thought this was going to be disgusting and sweet and I was really sceptical over it, right. And then I tried it as a snack with cucumber and bell pepper and it was the BEST hummus I have ever had! This is my absolute favourite and I am going to always buy only this. :D I don't know how it is possible that the one I thought would be my least favourite was the best. Anyway, 10/10, there is no more to think.
Kookosjogurt mango ja passioniga (Cocodeli yoghurt with mango and passionfruit)

About these Cocodeli yoghurts I can say that their texture is really weird. :D Like when I pour it on a bowl, it does BLOP and just throws itself against the bowl. :D But it tasted good, it was nice and creamy and it didn't have a weird taste like Alpro coconut one has. I think this was my favourite out of Cocodeli things, so I would give it 8/10. I still prefer plain soya yoghurt, but if there is none of that, this will do. I had it with fruits, muesli and berries and I really loved the combo!
Violife cheddar võileivamääre (Violife cheddar spread)

This literally tasted like Cheetos cheese puffs! Like, for real, 100%. And I won't even deny having some spoonfuls plain, I really craved for something savoury and it really hit the spot. :D I didn't like it on bread as much, but I made pasta with it and it went so well. 8/10, would buy again.
Green Story köögiviljapasta baklažaani ja kikerhernestega (Green Story vegetable spread with eggplant and chickpeas)
I have seen it in most stores. The taste was really good, but it was a bit plain in pasta. I hoped it would have stronger flavour, kind of like pesto or something. But I think it would go well with toast. Or as a dip, as it was similar to hummus (this also makes sense, as it has chickpeas in it). I would give it 6/10, I would definitely used it again. The price was a bit high I think.
Prisma (Rainbow) sojajogurt (Prisma (Rainbow) soya yoghurt)
I thought I would try this store's own product to see if it is less tasty than Alpro one. And I think it is pretty much the same. It feels a bit stronger maybe, but it is not bad. I made yoghurt bowl with banana, berries and muesli again and it went well together. I have been thinking of trying this in savoury dishes as well, but haven't had a chance yet. Anyway, I really liked it - texture was good and price was good as well. 9/10.
Rimi enda hummus (Rimi store's own hummus)
I still thought I would try some more hummus and picked this out. It tasted really good and ingredients were nice and there wasn't too many unnecessary things. But nothing beats the orange and carrot hummus still. :D But well, I liked this as well, price was also good. 7,5/10.