7 days and 7 pictures
11:38:00 PMSo I thought I will take at least one picture every day and write a little about them. I have gotten used to posting pictures to my Instagram stories, but it has been a while since I just took random photos. I wanted to change that. At least I think I didn't post any of these to my stores (maybe with 1-2 exceptions).

Walked home from the store on one evening and it was so nice. The weather was great too, really autumn-like - dry and crispy... leaves have also changed colours and it is getting dark quite early now. It was idyllic and nice and I thought that yes, perfect photo oportunity. I really like walking around and it is quite sad when it is raining and I can't do that.
At the same time I think walking will become less when I move, because I will start living further away from the city center and I have to use more public transport. But oh well. At least near my new home there is some nature so I can just go outside and walk around there. Besides, who even walks around during autumn and winter, at least in Estonia? Anyway, all that is relating to the move and stuff feels so unreal and I am still waiting on some confirmations, but I hope to get them today. Good luck to me! Please hope for the best.

Regards the autumn evenings I have started burning cangles again - on this picture there is one with spices. And I drink a lot more tea now. Partly thanks to the fact that I am not having Coke anymore (today is already... 7th day) and partly due to the fact that weather has become colder and this just makes me have more hot drinks. And I got National Geographic subscription now. I have been reading it quite a bit. In this months' number there is a long article about sex industry and kids in it and it is really interesting. In general, I really like this magazine. In each number you find something to read about. And when you don't feel like reading a book, this is a good thing to check out.

Have been going to many yoga classes. I have come to realise I like both classes - yogaFUNC and vinyasa yoga. I have gotten used to the fact that they are different, but have similar elements. yogaFUNC is usually on Saturday mornings, which is perfect for me, and vinyasa yoga on Thursday evenings after work. I get to attend these classes only in every second week though, because we have meetings at work that sometimes take too long.
Anyway, my muscles don't get sore anymore and I think I am more flexible now. I can't comment on my balance though. :D What I also discovered is that usually when I went to sleep, my legs cramped up a lot and it was really awful. Now that I have done yoga, this never happens anymore! Such a good thing!! And even if I don't feel like doing yoga every time I always feel so much better after the class.

I finally put all of my different teas together that people have sent me and I usually let my sister or myself pick one with eyes closed. Some have been positive surprises, while some have been let downs. Anyway, here are the teas from UK, Germany, Finland and even Estonia. If you want to make my tea collection bigger, please contact me on Twitter - I accept everything and I can send you something as well!

This is probably one of my favourites I have ever had. I wish I found it in Estonia. I should look it up, I think I have seen Cupper teas in some stores. I will Google later and see if I can find a store that has them. Anyway, I would totally give it 9,5/10. I had it at work and it made my day a lot better.

Another picture of my feet because... I didn't have anything else to take a photo of and I needed to take one. :D Actually now that the weather is a bit colder, I can finally wear my new autumn boots. When it is raining, I am still wearing rubber boots, but these boots are really nice. I remember exactly that I bought them on 13th of March, a dey before the corona crisis was called out in Estonia. :D And the bag is also bought on the same day. Me and my mum went shopping because she was in Tallinn and we were supposed to go to see an opera, but it was cancelled due to corona. Soon it is again 13th and Friday (in November), I hope that Estonia won't have another lockdown this time. But who knows. I also wanted to ask what do you think about wearing a mask? It is not mandatory here and a lot of people are against it, which I don't really understand... but do you have anything to say about it? I have shared here that I do wear a mask and support it, but it would be nice to hear your opinions.

I went to my friend's place yesterday, as my bread starter died (it went mouldy, I don't know what happened) and I got a new one from her. Today I already started the pre-dough and I will bake in the evening! So thanks to my friend from saving me once again. My starter had a name Motivation (and Motivation died). Now this one has a new name: Nom. So we shall see how Nom goes.
Anyway, I was waiting for a bus and this old unique bus came! I was staring at it in disbelief and almost missed it, because I couldn't believe my eyes that in 2020 in Tallinn this antique thing is driving around! It didn't even have the validator things for my card. :D Anyway, I wasn't the only person taking pictures with my mouth open. The bus driver was also really cool, he was so happy and nice. :D I wish all public transport drivers were like this. But actually I think most of them are. Like for example I take a particular tram to work in the mornings and once there was another one in front of it. The tram driver was like "why don't you take the previous one" and I said that I don't want to get to work too early and he really laughed about it. :D It was adorable. Also bus drivers in other countries are always nice as well, for example I remember asking help from them in Norway when there were roadworks.

And to finish this post - a picture of me. I think my face has become a bit better, it doesn't look like a skull any more. And this is a huge plus in my eyes. I am finally taking selfies again too, I used to avoid it a lot.
How is it with eating? Well, good. But I have this extreeemeee hunger now, I don't know. Like, I could be full up and feel disgusting, but I am still hungry and want more and more food. I feel like I can never stop eating. I have been honouring this hunger and had some more, but it is so so super scary.
I have faced my fear foods as well - like yesterday me and my sister had frozen 3 cheese pizza with cheesy crust. And it was a lot scarier than takeaway pizza. Maybe because I knew the calories now... but it was so good. We also had some beer and finished the day off with Alpro vegan ice cream, which was amazing. And I didn't skip meals or snacks during the day. So I am good.
Today I have my psychologist appointment, I can finally tell her about the progress I have made. My weight has also gone up, so that is good. I always feel proud when she is happy for me. :D As if I succeeded in something. And at the moment this is enough.
Anyway, new week, new challenges, new things. I haven't really picked out a challenge to do, but I should think about something. I could do something. I have some ideas, but they take more planning than I have done right now.
I am so glad I am feeling like blogging again. I feel like the last few posts have been really nice and they haven't been as if I forced myself. So yeah, another positive thing. I still feel disappointed when I have not gained weight, but get annoyed with myself if I have. Annoying. :D
Okay, before finishing this post, I wanted to say thank you to people who have read and commented my posts. These comments make my days so much better. And believe me if I tell you that I read them over and over and over again. They make me sooooo happy. But yeah - talk to you soon!