Urge to move
4:22:00 AMActually I have started this challenge many times before and then stopped on the same day. But it seems that the weather decided for me and I need to face it.
The urge to move.
Anyway, today is tuesday. And I decided that in five days I try and walk as little as possible. I will only go to the store if I need to, and visit my sister. How did the weather help me? It made everything so slippery and when I went to the store during lunch, I fell down three times. Very ungracefully. So yeah, can't really go out for walks.

I want to see what my weight does in these five days. I have this rule in my head that I need to walk at least 10 000 steps each day. I want... normal life. I don't want to be anxious if I haven't moved enough. Moving kind of relaxes me? It is good and nice and my doctor is not against it anymore, but I just want to get rid of this obsession. And for me, it is all or nothing, so I can't just make it less by a thousand steps each day. I need to go all in.
I am afraid that I will gain a lot of weight. Yep. I am really afraid. Especially because today morning the number was already much higher. And it really upset me. And I couldn't go to the store after work due to the weather. But actually I don't even need anything.
I will probably go tomorrow though, because I want some fresh stuff. But yes, it won't be my usual walk about 2 hours. I will go to the nearest store. I have plenty of them near my house.
And I will continue eating normally. I usually have skipped a meal if I haven't moved enough. Not recently, though. But come on, me, it is not good. I don't want to keep going home from work by foot. I am always very tired and it is cold and slippery. Uncomfortoable. I want to be a normal person who takes public transport. It can't be that difficult. Though it probably is. And it will be very challenging for the days I don't have much to do. Then I will maybe let myself to go for a short walks still. But my goal is to avoid it. And I want to show myself that nothing bad happens if I don't walk around all the time. I am struggling with it and I know a lot of readers do as well.

Now it is already the fourth day when I haven't moved as much. The most steps I have done this far was 8k on one day, but I am not bothered by it. I didn't set a maximum for myself - I just wanted to walk less. And it has been so nice to take a bus! I haven't had to walk for several hours...
Okay, I have been bored and have thought about going for a walk. But I have had lots of things to do as well, as my mum is in town and we went to some stores to get stuff for our homes. So that is why the steps piled up. But honestly this rest time has been really nice.
During the first days I really got anxious over not walking much, but after a few days it became a lot easier. It is difficult when someone posts on Instragam how much they have walked. Or when someone mentions that they have walked so much. I feel like I should, too. But what they do is in no way connected to me.
But yeah, all in all I have had good time. Real rest. No mandatory walking. Also weather has been awful and it has been nice sitting at home with a cup of coffee and reading a book. Maybe before I often thought that instead of reasing I could be walking and it stressed me a lot. Weird logic, but it is my logic.
Also I haven't done any other exercise at home either. Not push ups, no squats or abs or anything. I have just been resting. I have taken this time to rest both mentally and physically. One thing I need to practice is resting. It is not easy to be honest, when your head is telling you "you need to do something, don't waste time!!!!!".
Today I also won't be walking much, because I am at home office and then later I am going to my sister's as she has a friend over and we will have a small housewarming party. She lives really close to me. I think I will walk for around 3000-4000 steps today. And tomorrow we will make cinnamon rolls. Another challenge, but it sounds good.

Someone wrote to me and asked if I have thought about doing challenges that are not connected to food. And honestly - yes, I have. But most of the ideas I find in Google have something to do with food. Also, my blog gets a lot more views when I write about food. But yeah, ideally I would do something else as well. But at the same time... I need ideas! Maybe I should write something? Like just make up a story.
Even my bullet journal has a point of writing something. Also, I think I could do this nutrition course as a challenge. Maybe it would be interesting to get back into drawing as well, I even have a brand new scetchbook for it. I will DEFINITELY do this. As I am not walking around as much, I have a lot more time.
I still weigh myself every day and my weight has been steadily going up. I don't think it is because of not walking though. It is connected to my eating. There is still some time left until my birthday, but I have a deal with myself to reach the normal weight range by then. It doesn't mean I can't do it before, though. Sooner the better. I have gained most of the weight within a year, so it shows it takes a bit time in my case. :D
Anyway, if there is a challenge you would like to see, please let me know. Sometimes you guys surprise me. :D I would never come up with half of them.
At the moment I won't be doing any food related challenges, because there are several social occasions coming and I want to enjoy them. I take every day separate. But this doesn't mean I won't ever do food challenges anymore, I will definitely. I just need to come up with something good.
I am really looking forward to ice and snow completely melting. In an ideal world, I would add some running into my routine. And I really mean some, like 1 km and not every day, of course. But I think it would give me much positive emotions. Looking forward to something is really nice.
My average step count per day was 5971, which is pretty good, considering I never used to let it be under 10 000 and often it reached double that. So this is like half of it. I would have liked to keep it even lower, but I don't want to restrict walking for the sake of it and it IS nice and healthy to walk.
In the recent few days weather has actually been really nice. Like, you are outside and you can legit feel the warmth from the sun - amazing. I am not even bothered by the melting snow and mud.
It is so cool having my sister live so close to me. Like when we made those cinnamon rolls - she called me in the morning to say that they have run out of flour. I went to her place and popped by the store on my way. And then we did some baking with her and her friend and watched two episodes of Queen's Gambit. I have seen it before, but they hadn't. They continued watching later, haha. :D I recommend!
I have been reading a lot more. At the moment I am reading the second book of "The Painted Man". I don't think I like it as much though, but it is still good. Also, I have settled myself on to writing a novel in March. I think I have a great idea for it.
At the same time one of the publishing houses has said they will hold a criminal novel contest and I would kinf of like to write something for that... but I don't know, I am not that clever and nothing would come of it anyway. :D But my other idea is nice, I told my sister and her friend about it and they both said they would like to read a book about it, haha. :D We will see what comes of it.
In November, there is this huge monthly writing challenge. You are supposed to write 200 000 words or something. But I thought I will try the same thing in March. I am really excited to see what comes of it. :D
I would really like to try getting back into drawing as well. I don't think it will be something proper though, maybe it will be just doodles like I did in the Hospital in Tallinn. Everyone liked them, it was so sweet! Also one of my friends really loved them as well, so I guess it is a good idea.
In conclusion about the moving - I have gained some weight. But I did have a proper binge day and then a little later we ordered sushi and I had way too much. But honestly... I haven't really felt guilty. This is so weird. I am like... I can't be bothered to feel guilty, which is great. :D I am like "I'll deal with this later" and then forget about it. So yeah, whatever it is, works.
Now that I have gotten over my safe zone, I am looking forward to know what is next. Will my weight gain stop again? I am getting curious.
Now that I am writing this, it is Sunday and I am thinking about going for a walk. I think I will do it at one point, when I can decide where to go. I always need a goal when I am walking, or I will get too bored. :D But at the same time I have everything at home and I don't need to go out... We will see, I think I will come up with something. I would like to go to one supermarket though, that has an Asian store, but it is way too far for me.
Also I still need to come up with a dessert for the evening. Last night I had ice cream and apples. I tried new Magnum with waffle cone and it was really good. But I would like to try some other new things. But I don't know what to have. There are so many thingssss. But I never eat only half of something, I always finish the whole bag, it is awful. :D
But yes, walking a little less on one day helps to do it on the next as well. The first day, or first few, are uncomfortable and weird. But in general this challenge was a success and I am almost like a normal person already!