Horoscope challenge - week of divination
1:31:00 AMI decided to do something different for a change and I think I have done it previously as well? I don't remember. But anyway I decided to pick two of the most popular horoscopes both in Estonian and in English.
And I know it isn't exactly a week, but... almost! :D
But instead of reading my horoscope in the morning and program myself accordingly, I decided to read them at night and see if they really fulfilled themselves. :D
I am taurus and I am born on 13th of May.

Before I get started - do you read horoscopes? I used to do it in the morning at one point, but when the horoscope didn't say nice things, my mood dropped and I made my day miserable myself. :D But in general I don't believe in them much. Only thing I do believe, though, is that I can't get along with scorpios and usually scorpios really match with their horoscopes. :D
Anyway, I took Estonian horoscopes from here and English horoscopes from here.
You can startle people with your open mindness today. Try to be more gentle in your approach and pay more attention to other needs.
Well this is strange, considering I didn't have any plans for today and I didn't really talk to anyone. :D I was home alone, went for a walk, cleaned and did laundry. I hope I didn't startle anyone. :D But yeah, this did not match.
Aug 3, 2020 - Catch the wave of activity that's spinning in your direction today, Taurus. You'll find prosperity and good fortune within your reach. Expand your horizons and connect with others intellectually. Hurdles will shrink to nothing as long as you maintain a positive attitude. It will be tremendously easy for you to make great strides in any project you're working on.
The only project I am working on is my blog... so there was progress with it, as I posted on Monday. :D But in general, this did not match with today. Actually it is kind of sad I am not working this week, as this would have fit well. The only thing I can seem to take away from today is that I should be more positive. :D
You are so sure about yourself that it may be inevitable. Try to think before you act.
Again, I did NOTHING. Went to town for a moment, visited some second hand stores... there was nothing inevitable happening. :D And I am never sure in myself. Again, this did not match at all, as I did pretty much norhing. If this keeps up, nothing will fit. But this only makes me more certain that horoscopes are not real. :D There was a time I thought they are pretty good at predicting things but well...
Aug 4, 2020 - You may feel especially lonely, overworked, and passionate today, Taurus, and therefore longing for the company of your romantic partner. But responsibilities involving you both could well be keeping you apart. This could be more than frustrating - it could make you gloomy. Don't let that happen. Concentrate on your work and finish before evening. You'll see your friend then if possible.
First of all, I don't have a romantic partner. :D I don't know who this horoscope is meant for, as it is not me and it doesn't seem to be general enough. I will also say again that I am on a vacation, so it doesn't make sense to talk about work. Work with myself maybe? But this never ends...
It is good time to change your job. There is progress in group work. You are open and ready to communicate with different people.
As I am actively looking for a new job, it is good to know. :D At the same time I didn't do much today, but I hope this good prediction lasts. I wish. Regarding communication and group work I don't know. I went to visit a friend, but we didn't work in a group. :D But I got a new bread starter from her, as I used all of my own by accident. I added flour and stirred and then realised I didn't take new starter for the next time. :D But it is nice of her to help me out, I at first gave starter to her when we first started baking bread. :D
Aug 5, 2020 - People around you are apt to be touchy, Taurus, so be careful how you interact with them. You'll find that they can see beyond any sort of facade and easily detect dissention within the ranks. Be honest about your opinion, regardless of how you think it will be received. This is your best approach to a certain situation, especially since the truth will surface no matter what.
I don't know why, but these horoscopes from this English page are always so... scary. :D And never match with my day, they more like seem to give advise on what and how to do. So reading them in the evenings seems rather pointless.
You may underestimate a person who can become your enemy. Try to keep up to date with what is happening!
I don't know, I don't seem to have any enemies. I met with friends today instead and met with one of their new puppies, a dalmatian! Anyway, this horoscope is bullshit. :D

Aug 6, 2020 - Mornings aren't usually your best time, Taurus. You aren't fully awake until afternoon. Try not to discount the events of this particular morning, however. More than likely, you'll enjoy your best mental clarity sometime before noon. Surprise people with an upbeat attitude and a solution for every problem that comes your way.
LIES! I am a morning person. Even during my vacation I wake up at 8 or before that, and honestly, my time to shine is in the mornings. At the evenings after 9 I am completely useless.
In general what would I say about these horoscopes? That they are shit. Maybe someone somewhere actually can make proper predictions, but I have had no luck finding these kind of people or knowledge.
At the same time, if you want to, check your horoscope. If it is good, you usually set yourself up for a good day. It all depends on how you think.
Anyway, yes. This short challenge between all the other posts. Next time I thought I will write about what I usually eat in a day, but if there are any other topics you would like to read about, please please please let me know. I am in a funk and can't come up with enough stuff.
Yesterday at my friend's there was actually a huge challenge for me. She made us pasta with garlic-oil dressing and it mixed two of my biggest fears... but yea, new post on Friday. :)