Challenge - Instagram and food
12:53:00 AMThere is lot to talk about Instagram and food. For example that I have so-called "food instragram" or I could tell you about what kind of food instragrammers I follow and recommend others to follow as well. Maybe at one point I will post about it... have to remember this idea.
But this time I wanted to talk about a challenge I did, where I added polls to my Instagram stories, which made up my menu. :D
I did it quite low key, as I had ideas for food, but I let people pick sides or stuff like this.

Anyway, we started with the breakfast - porridge. People could pick between rye flakes, rice flakes and millet flakes. I would have liked rye flakes the best, because these normal kind of grains are my favourites. But the winner was...

Rice flakes! But well, hadn't had them for a long time. :D Next I had some additional questions about my breakfast. For example what kind of berries do I add, what kind of flavouring do I use and what kind of add-ins I also add.
It was chai spice, from berries it was strawberries and from flavourings peanut butter. I still added banana myself, because I love bananas and bananas taste good. :D But anyway, most of the things were picked by followers. It didn't go exactly as I hoped. It was difficult that people picked chai spice, as if you looked at the calories, it was most calorific. :D I was surprised that redcurrants only got 3 votes, and I didn't know what to think about flavour drops. Anyway, it was really nice to have a different porridge for a change. I should make this poll more often, when I can't pick anything myself. :D
I ordered some steel cut oats from iherb, but I just cannot find the parcel???!?!?! Regarding iherb, I ordered some new things, which should arrive around 21st of August. So I will show what I got here as well. :D
The next question was about my morning snack, where I let people pick between chocolate and rice waffles with apple and cinnamon, which are one of my favourite snacks ever. And despite what I thought, rice crisps won!

Next I think was lunch, which was sandwitches and of course my second cup of coffee! I found some more coffees I have at home later, but I let people pick between regular coffee, Christmas coffee, blueberry coffee and choco-mint coffee. And choco-mint one won, yay! My favourite. :D And regarding sandwiches I asked if I should have them with cheese or cream cheese and with tomato or cucumber. :D I don't have a picture of it, as honestly, people who can take good pictures of sandwiches - I applaud you, please teach me as well. :D
The order of these pictrues is a bit messed up, but it doesn't matter really. You understand. :D I think it is not as important.
Then it was time for my afternoon snack, where I let people pick between peaches and cherries. I got new kind of peaches - yellow ones. Which were white on the inside. I hadn't tried these kind before. This also lets you know that peaches won. :D

Next, as this was Saturday and a challenge, I wanted to know if I should enjoy wine or beer. In general I have become such a wine-person recently, but sometimes I would like to enjoy a craft beer. Also I think this question had most votes. :D Anyway, wine won! And I wanted to use this to advertise my favourite white wine.

The same brand has really good red wines as well, highly recommend. But with hot weather I prefer white.
Then it was dinner time where I was going to have potato burgers with cabbage filling and salad, and I asked if my salad shall be with apple cider vinegar or mayo (mayo won) and if I should add pickles, sauerkraut or both (both won).

The day was ended with some tea, which wasn't my favourite, but I still had it. I guess I would still only give it 4/10. My friend sent me a parcel recently and it had a lot of different teas again, so I have been trying those. :D

After dinner I legit had about 1,5 kilos of watermelon, but I didn't add any polls regarding it.
How was this challenge in general? It was really fun to come up with the questions and see who voted for what. I would like to repeat this when I go out to eat, to help me pick something from the menu. :D But I don't have many followers and I would probably have to wait for forever to make a decision like this. :D But well, it is a possibility.
It was difficult as well, because it seemed that options more difficult for me were constantly winning. But it is good, it was supposed to be a challenge.
I still haven't written about the small goals I set to myself and how I have been doing with them. My last goals were to try new vegan products - I have done this. I try to have a new thing every week. I think in a future post I will tell about vegan burgers I have been trying.
Second goal was to break my routine and third one was to enjoy my vacation. I think I managed quite well with those. As I described previously, my eating disorder was paused and well, it went as it went. Routine, meaning three meals and three snacks, was completely broken. Which was kind of good, as not that I am back the routine is bavk as well. And I have started overthinking again. But at the same time I have been taking easier. Also I have gained weight. Regarding this - I hope I am not getting negative feedback that I haven't been eating enough or somethng. Because even eating like this has made my weight go up. At the moment I am heaviest that I have been in many many months.
Regarding this I want to set a new goal, which is REALLY DIFFICULT.
Anyway, the goal is:
I will move less. I will try not to fir 25 thousand steps as I did for some time. I won't try and hit 20k steps either. Or 15k or 10k. Okay, okay. This is maybe too much, but I have been reducing my steps by a thousand each day recently (it is crazy how much time I waste on JUST WALKING AROUND. I feel weird writing it down...). But anyway, I will try to aim for under 10k steps. It would be perfect if I could manage it. Anyway, next goal is to deal with this need to move. I thought I can start setting up a new bullet journal or something, instead of walking. We shall see how this goes.
Also, are there any good food Instagrams to follow for inspiration? I don't want to follow fitness accounts, because these are triggering, but something like recipe accounts would be lush. You can recommend me some! Especially Estonian ones, to be honest.