12:34:00 AMWeekend was... a challenge. I'll get to that.

Weekend... made no sense. I really didn't expect anything like this. Like seriously: we found a turtle from our garden. (It also made the news!)
This was a moment where you were thinking if you are dreaming or not. I was at home and about to put apple cake/pie in the oven and I was supposed to go outside to pick some apples. The next moment my mum bangs on the kitchen window and waves her hand. I am like, okay, what is going on and look outside. She points at the apple tree. And there I can see... maybe a hedgehog? But it is big? The next moment I realise it is a TURTLE. We grabbed our phones (me, my sister and dad) and ran outside.
A big turtle just ate an apple. Like really got into it. At first we thought that we shouldn't go too near, because it may be scared of us. But the little guy ran to my dad (who used to have a turtle when he was small!). The turtle was quite fast, but in sunny and warm days thet are really active. Anyway, we picked it up (actually just moved it a little, so it wouldn't escape) and asked neighbours and people living nearby if they have lost their pet. No one knew where it came from.
I googled what to do in this kind of situation and there was an article saying that you should contact your local shelter. It was Saturday of course and they only acted in rare cases. But they did call me back after I left a message, saying that "you have a surprise guest, can we come and pick it up". :D They picked it up quite fast. I really hope that thanks to my Facebook post and article on the news it will get home soon. :D

The challenge was making apple pie. As I mentione in my last post, I decided to make curd cream and apple pie.

I should have used a bigger pan, because it was too small for this. :D At first it didn't seem like it was, but well. It tasted amazing, though. The recipes from this one site never fail. I am also going to make another dish from their page tomorrow, so I will probably post about that too.
Anyway, I had two pieces with ice cream on the first day (I paused my eating disorder again).

Even my dad, who doesn't really like cakes, had several pieces. So everyone really liked it. I sent the recipe to my mum as well, because she really loved it. Anyway, I have come to realise that baking is awesome. We brought a lot of apples from Viljandi and I already thought that if we can't eat them all, I will bake again. I am not a fan of Estonia's traditional apple pie, because I have had it so much, but there are loads of cool recipes online.
Anyway yes, this was quite hard. I have gained 1,2 kgs during this weekend. I know that it won't all stick with me, but still... it is difficult. But at the same time I weighed myself today morning and discovered this and my reaction was... okay then. OKAY THEN? WHO AM I? I don't recognize myself!

When parents brought us to Tallinn, we went to have some food at Little India. I picked vegetable thali and it was amazing. Hadn't been to Little India in a while, so it was super nice. But still, I don't know. How is it possible that I didn't care about my weight in the morning? What is going on? I made porridge and added cherries and cocoa and I didn't even feel like I needed to restrict at all, which was new. This makes no sense. Yesterday evening I did think that tomorrow I will do this and that and skip a meal and make a lighter breakfast and so on, but then the time comes, I weigh myself and I just don't care? Like, what the heck. :D I don't understand. Is this how normal people feel? Is this how normal people act?!
What can I say. This is funny.