Foods I am NOT afraid of
11:41:00 PM
So I will write down things with comments that I am okay with eating and with what I don't get this "too much" emotion that usually comes with food.
- Vegetables - this is so basic. But for real, vegetables are okay. Potatoes are a bit eh - if I haven't had them for a long time, then I will get some fear, but usually these are fine. I can have all the veggies though, it doesn't matter if they are frozen or fresh, salads etc. No emotion at all. I think I could have vegetables 24/7 and it would be super easy.
- Fruits and berries - everything is okay, except for mango and banana. Probably because these are more calorie dense. The easiest are melons, citrus, strawberries, cherries, blackberries and all kinds of berries in general. Recently I have bought bigger bananas to add to my breakfast and I also have some frozen mango cubes to challenge my fears.
- Rice - yes, rice! This was a suprise for me, but it is true. I can have quite a substantial amount of rice without feeling bad. But to get here, I have put in a lot of work. I have repeated the challenge over and over again. Thinking about it actually makes me laugh now. I was so scared. :D Like, why? Why am I afraid of food?!
- Eggs - eggs are completely fine. Except for when I have to make an omelette with three eggs, right. :D Actually it plays a role that in omelette I usually have more things, like cheese for example. And then three seems too much. But at the same time having 3 fried or boiled eggs would be completely fine.
- Cottage cheese - sometimes I get this feeling of having to pick less calories one, light version. I have tried to challenge it recently and picked according to the taste, not calores. For example my latest obsession is this new cottage cheese we have in Estonia that has spicy tomato flavouring. Anyway, yeah, cottage cheese is fine and I can have it with pretty much everything. I also like sweet cottacge cheese, for example with some fresh jam or something.
- Egg noodles - this is absurd. :D I can have egg noodles with vegetables, mushrooms and all kinds of things. I love wok dishes for example. But at the same time regular pasta (which is pretty much the same thing) or ramen noodles (which is the same thing) scare me shitless. :D I just don't get it.
- Oatmeal and porridge - no wonder I have it for every breakfast. I think that if I didn't though, I would become scared again - just like with rice or egg noodles. I love starting my day with something I am not scared of.
- Salsa, ketchup, mustard - I don't know why these, but I can have them. :D There was a period me and my sister had a lot of tortilla bowls, meaning adding a lot of tortilla fillings in a bowl with salsa (I mean also rice and beans and all these kind of things, not just vegetables). Also ketchup is fine with oven baked fries, eggs and plant based cutlets. Mustard too. Mayo is a huge fear, unless it is "light" version.
- Chickpeas and beans - these have also become safe thanks to challengeing them a lot. There was a period I made all kinds of stews and stuff and avoided chickpeas. Now I have started adding them more and my fear of them has become less. With beans, I make a lot of jacket potatoes with beans and cheese and thus I have gained food freedom around them.
- Sushi - as I have gotten over my fear of rice, sushi has become quite safe. This is also one of the things I can have as a takeaway and it is not made by me. Recently, especially in May, having sushi became a norm. :D We ordered some on my birthday, then I had it with friends and now we ordered it on Saturday. And who knows, maybe next weekend we will have it again!
- Dumplings (gyoza) - maybe a bit funny thing to write down. I also have to be really specific here - I can have gyoza with vegetables or mushrooms, but for example the ones filled with potato are still a fear. One thing I want to challenge. Ah, there are also these salmon and cheese filled gyoza I love, but haven't had in a while and am a bit scared of.
- Fish - this is actually surprising for me. I guess having a lot of sushi has helped. And having some fish cutlets. Believe it or not, but I have had it so much that it has become safe. It is a bit more difficult to have a portioned fish though, as usually it comes without calorie label (I sometimes check them to make myself feel safer). So salmon in my alphabet challenge is still going to happen. :D But in general fish is okay.
Anyway yeah, I hope that the next time I am thinking about writing a similar post, there are too many safe foods to write them all down.
Today is Monday and there is a new challenge with letters J, K and L. This is kind of scary. But more on that on Friday!