Menu at home

12:17:00 AM


Breakfast 9:00 - oatmeal with bananas, strawberries and vanilla, cup of coffee with milk. (Last night me and my sister watched a movie, drank some wine and had a lot of snacks. Today I didn't feel hungry at all when I woke up, but I still had a proper breakfast.)

Snack 11:00 - rice waffles with apples and cinnamon. (I am really addicted to those, also they are really good with coffee.)

Lunch 14:30 . carrot patties with Korean style carrot salad and homemade pickles. (This food was nice, even though the patties were a bit oily and it was bothering me. Also that the salad had oil in it... Oil and fat are really difficult things to deal with for me.)

Snack 15:00 - Cini Mini and Cookie Crisp breakfast cereal with milk. (I couldn't oick between the two so I had both. :D Very good. I have missed cereal.)

Dinner 19:00 - Japanese curry. (I brought a lot of it from Japan, so I need to use it up. Me and my sister have a new wat of deciding what's for dinner - I usually have a list of foods to make and then I wrote all the meals down on pieces of paper and pick a random one. :D)

Snack 19:30 - coconut-chocolate-peanut ice cream. (A new ice cream that I got to try. I have seen so many ads regarding it too. And it was really good, highly recommend.)


Breakfast 7:00 - porridge with seeds, banana, frozen mango and coconut, cup of coffee with milk. (It was kind of difficult to have breakfast today, because my weight had gone up by 900 grams. I don't know how this is possible, due to water retention maybe? Anyway, my brain started to go like "this is so much, you shouldn't have anything for breakfast" and so on. But I managed to handle it.)

Snack 11:00 - cinnamon and apple rice waffles. (I have this open packaged I need to finish before having different snacks. Also had another cup of coffee with those.)

Lunch 13:00 - home made bread with hummus and greens. (I already started baking at like 9 in the morning. :D Or well, made the dough then. It went into the oven at 10 and it was ready by 11. Now it has cooled down and is perfect for lunch. I also made some hummus myself again - this time it isn't as good, but it is still tasty and it is fine. Maybe I should add some more lemon juice... Anyway, I am so used to having soup for lunch, it is weird to have bread. Difficult. But this is exactly why I made it - to make it easier.)


Snack 15:00 - some more of those rice crisps. (They had gone a bit stale so I needed to finish them.)

Dinner 19:00 - sweet potato and lentil stew. (I also added some really spicy red curry paste and fresh herbs, like basil and coriander. It was a good combination. Spicy always leaves me with this good feeling of having something proper. I still was a bit upset over my weight in the morning, but oh well.)

Snack 20:00 - melon. (As there was weekly foodshop time, I got something fresh. It was really good but I was too full as it has a lot of water.)


Breakfast 7:00 - porridge with seeds, banana and blueberries, cup of coffee with milk. (As always, same breakfast. Weight remained the same, so I dunno, I guess I have indeed gained this much. Porridge was good, didn't have much guilt today. Maybe just thought about it for a second. Also snacks will be more difficult today, as I am so used to having these rice thingies. But I think it is good, I need a challenge.)

Snack 11:00 - oatmeal cookies. (My eating disorder told me to have only 2, but I dook more. And got over it quite easilty. But the first snack of the day is the easiest for me anyway.)

Lunch 13:00 - homemade bread with hummus. (Of corse toasted. I don't know, but I feel like hummus is extra good on the second day. :D Anyway, it was really nice. And I used a lot of it. I thought of having cheese instead of hummus too, but man, I am addicted to hummus so I didn't. :D)

Snack 15:00 - rice porridge with raspberry jam. (This is the most difficult today, because it was the most calorific out of all the possible snack things I had at home. More than in cereal or some snack bars. Actually my sister decided on that I should have it, I am practicing giving away control. I need to do this.)

Dinner 19:00 - okonomiyaki with coleslaw salad. (Okonomiyaki are those Japanese style savory cabbage pancakes. I also added some paprica, ginger and furikake (mix of seaweed, wasabi powder and sesame seeds). Also as I am making bread and I had some extra starter, I used this instead of just flour and water. I was inspired my this recipe here.)

Snack 19:30 - chocolate ice cream. (This was also very good, but alltogether I felt quite guilty during this day. But overall my evening was nice.)


Breakfast 7:00 - oatmeal with mango, banana and coconut, cup of coffee with milk. (I almost wrote a cup of milk with coffee. :D I made more porridge than usually, because I know I need it. Weight has remained the same, which is kind of good and lets me get used to it. Also it was a bit helpful that I talked to someone yesterday, who had an eating disorder too. Sometimes you need to talk to someone else to get a perspective and think fresh again...)

Snack 11:00 - oatmeal cookies. (Also finished up a bag and then can move on to some other kind of snacks that have become more difficult now. Like just regular chocolate that has turned into a fear food again.)

Lunch 13:00 - homemade bread with hummus. (As I still have it, I need to eat it. I still have some left tomorrow, but then it is done. But! On Friday I am baking my first ever bread with a starter, I am really excited. Also now that I have had bread for lunches so often, it is not as difficult to eat it as it was at first.)

Snack 15:00 - Nakd bar. (I don't know why, but it wasn't as good as I remembered it being. I don't know if my taste buds have changed or what is up, but this was a slight disappointment. At the same time I wouldn't know if if I hadn't tried it.)

Dinner 19:45 - breaded fish with cheese, coleslaw, cottage cheese with tomato and cucumber. (It was also picked at random, but tasted well. Also I was excited for this breaded fish thingy, hadn't seen something like this in the store before. It was difficult to eat due to coleslay and all that shit blablablabla.)

Snack 20:00 - chocolate cone ice cream. (This is one of my favourite ice creams. :D I was picking between popcorn and this, but me and my sister agreed that ice cream was a better choice. We can have popcorn at our movie nights. :D)


Breakfast 7:00 - oatmeal with vanilla, banana and blueberries, cup of coffee with milk. (As usual, breakfast was easy. It was more difficult to pick as nack for a lunch. Also there is a work meeting at 11, so I need to have a snack easiler. I am telling you, even this kind of small things are difficult for me....)

Snack 11:00 - Dumle chocolate. (I was so anxious about having it that I couldn't even enjoy it. So this is why I am having it again tomorrow. To face the fear. There are so many chocolates at home I need to eat. :D I haven't done so in a while.)


Lunch 13:15 - homemade bread with hummus. (So good still. Again toasted the bread. Also finally tomorrow I will bake the bread wit hthe starter! Today I will make pre-dough as the recipe called it. I will make a whole blog post about it, I am sure. :D)

Snack 15:00 - Cini Mini and Cookie Crisp cereal with milk. (I don't need two big challenges per day, one is okay. So I picked the safer option this time.)

Dinner 19:00 - sweet potato with chilli, cottage cheese and tomato-cucumber salad. (This was so good. I just love sweet potatoes. Also had some cheese on top of it all too.)

Snack 19:30 - ice cream with caramel. (Another new ice cream that I wanted to try. Now I need to pick some other new ones from the store. Also maybe I should have some different night snacks...)

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