Veganuary - half of the month
2:34:00 AMOn the last post comments there was a lot of talking about if and how should one mark down the food they eat. Several times people talked about if I have enough protein in my diet and so on. Everything made a lot of sense, so I just wanted to say thank you for the comments. These kind of things are really helpful and I especially like when you make up stories about the stuff. Like this comment about builders.
Let me write it down here: For example if you compare building your organism with building site, then builders (organism's mechanisms) are already tired of saying "there aren't enough bricks", "there isn't enough sand", "there isn't enough rocks" etc. The guys are tired and they are saying "there is fucking nothing, we can't build like this, fuck you all! Bring some materials, then we can talk". Now when you start to eat, the builders don't start working right away. They just keep yelling "there aren't enough materials". I don't think you can give them everything until it reaches the right amount. If you only give them sand, the result is not a house, but a pile of sand and they don't stop yelling, because there still aren't enough bricks and rocks.
Toon välja selle koha: A’la, kui võrrelda organismi ülesehitamist ehitusplatsil toimuvaga, siis ehitajad (organismi intuitiivsed mehhanismid) on juba väsinud ütlemast “telliseid on vähe”, “liiva on vähe”, “tsementi on vähe” jne. Tüübid on tüdinud ja ütlevad “mitte s**tagi ei ole, niimoodi ehitada ei saa, minge te ka kõik p**sse! Tooge ehitusmaterjale, siis räägime edasi”.
Nüüd, kui hakkad sööma, siis ehitajad ei lülitu kohe ideaalsesse projektijuhtimisrutiini, vaid hoolimata sellest kas puudu puudu on telliseid, liiva või tsementi karjuvad igal juhul “ehitusmaterjale on vähe”. Ma ei usu, et sellises situatsioonis, kus organismi ehitajad karjuvad, et ehitusmaterjale on vähe, on päris ükstakõik, mis materjale neile kokku vedada, peaasi, et tonnid oleks kohal. Kui ainult liiva kohale vedada, siis ei ole tulemuseks maja vaid liivahunnik ja ehitajate karjumine ei pruugi vaiksemaks jääda, sest telliseid ja tsementi on ikka vähe.
At the same time I have read a lot about extreme hunger, so this seems legit as WELL. Especially if you read about Minnesota Starvation Experiment. So I still don't know what to think of the whole thing.
But actually I wanted to say that I haven't had this moment of overeating now. Yes, I have had more food, but I have had it constantly. I don't restrict the whole day and then binge on food in the evening. Even though I have thought about doing OMAD (one meal a day) diet, because I could manage it well. Or devide my meals into two and skip lunch, because this feels the most pointless (and difficult).
Anyway, how I have been doing with veganuary? Very well! I have kept myself from having animal products and I don't really have to check ALL of the labels. I can already pick up stuff that is vegan. Sometimes I still check the package, but I now have a list of things I regularly have and this is nice. And I have tried sooooo many new things, my recap of new products this month will be super long. :D
Then at one point (literally this weekend) my sister moved and with this I knew that we were going to order food or pick something up from the supermarket. And my parents are not supportive of being completely vegan, so I needed to do something. And I ended up offering that as my sister's new flat is really nearby mine, I will make food and we can go and eat there during the day.
And then I took another step and decided on making pasta. The scaaarryyyy food that I am still unable to eat on my own. At one point it was already easier, but now I haven't had it in a while again. But at the same time I can say that potatoes and rice are completely fine with me and I am not scared of them anymore. Well, at least this goes for potatoes. Rice is so-so.
But in the morning at 5:30 I got up (I needed to be at the old flat by 8) and as I didn't make the food a day before, I needed to do that. Mostly because I was too lazy. But a little because I knew that if I made food earlier, I would have wanted to have it right away. This is so stupid.

Anyway I mixed up whole wheat pasta, added onion, garlic, seasonings (pepper, salt, persillade), sundried tomatoes, zucchini, chickpeas and I added oat cream to make it nice and creamy.

And everyone liked it! In addition to my family, my sister's friend was also helping us, and she is really good at cooking. But now they call my place "Signe's restaurant", which is so sweet. :D It was such a simple dish, but my sister never makes pasta and it is also not part of my parents' diet (maybe I find pasta difficult to eat, because we never made it at home? Ohhh, I think this may be it, hehe!). And we were hungry. But anyway, it was really fillinf and chickpeas deffinitely helped with that. My dad is one of the people mentioning protein all the time, so I thought of him when I added it. :D
For dessert I had chocolate banana bread, which I topped with coconut milk blueberry yoghurt. And everyone really liked this as well. :D I loved it, as it was the second time I made this banana bread already. :D I can write down the recipe, if anyone wants it, just let me know!
On Saturday we moved and on Sunday me and my sister went back to the old place to clean up. We went to get food from the store during the day and then we really craved for some coffee. I had a headache too, because I am used to having at least three cups a day. :D Luckily there is a small food store near our old place, that has a coffee machine. I went there, picked up some oatmilk and went back home. It was really nice. :D
Anyway, then we cleaned and defrosted the fridge, which took no less than SIX hours. I read "Painted man" (I haven't gotten too far) and it is amazing. It reminded me the time where I just read for several hours. It was really nice to read and have coffee. And me and my sister got to talk a little and just spend some time togeter, as we haven't done much of it recently.
Today I am planning to make kimchi-tofu-mushroom soup. For two days, because tomorrow we still need to go back to the old flat, as some stuff was STILL left behind. I just didn't have enough hands yesterday to carry all the bags. :D And then it is good to have prepared dinner for tomorrow. And I just need to heat it up. If you want the recipe, again, let me know.
Anyway, there is stil la bit of Veganuary left... are there any foods that I should really try and make? I have been good and made quite a bit of new things, not only had my baked sweet potato and vegan patties (even though I have had those as well, sometimes I am busy or just crave for it. And it is not a bad thing to have). But yeah, I would like to try out some new things still. :D

I am still thinking of eating fully plant based after January, but in February I will have all the sweets and snacks people have brought me, because I don't want them to go bad. And I have to admit I have a lot of snacks.
Is there anything else I need to mention in this post? Hmmm...
I really want to go to Commune Cafe with my friend. We are hopefully meeting up on Wednesday. I should ask her.
And on Wednesday the first episode of "Expensive calories" is airing. I will probably live-blog it. And I wanted to say that this is all ONLY my opinion, I don't want to bring anyone down or leave an impression that I know how people are feeling. I am just writing this as an anorexia sufferer. :)
I will also try and add more pictures to my instagram stories, I haven't done it much recently.
Anyway, have a beautiful snowy January!