Back on track
3:22:00 AMAs always, after the holidays there are so many articles and posts about how to lose the weight you have gained over Christmas. But I read one article about indulging during Christmas and it made me

I admit that I am one to overeat. There is all this food in front of me and you don't have it every single day. And then I am like... even if you overeat, fow much weight do you gain? I am not talking about myself because I have gained several kilos over December, but if I overeat a few times in a month, is the weight gain really so big that I need to diet?
I have to say thath the period between my friend's birthday and Christmas (which was only three days), I ate less than I should have. It is difficult to admit, but it was so. At the same time I didn't miss any meals or snacks, so I am doing well. I just ate a little less calorie dense foods. My weight didn't go down, but I felt better in my body. But I can't keep doing this. I shouldn't start playing with my food again and get addicted to the feeling light when I am hungry or almost hungry.
So this back on track is a little different for me. I need to keep myself on track, because currently I am on one. I can't change the direction. I need to keep going. These Christmas kilos I have gained are just a bigger step towards getting better, right?
It has been a while since I felt hungry. It sounds normal, doesn't it? That you don't feel starving. But I still like this feeling and I feel a bit sad when I don't get it. Like I can't justify eating if I don't feel hungry. So things have been tough.
The second thing that bothers me is that I eat a lot. I don't mean I am eating a lot of unhealthy and calorie dense stuff. No. I mean I am a complete volume eater, meaning I need a lot of things to eat. So I never know how people get full on normal size portions. Whenever I make pasta or rice, there needs to be a lot of it, because I am used to having a great amount of vegetables or fruit. I tell you - eating a full 2 kilo pomelo is easy for me.
I know that the size of your stomach changes according to what you are used to eating, but I ALWAYS remain hungry after having a normal size meal. :S And I don't know what to doo.

What else there is about Christmas... what did I eat? Well, firstly I made mushroom Wellington, which was great. Also my dad had wanted me to make cheese pastries, which I did.
I also had some beetrood patties, what were also loved by others. And then I had separate fried sauerkraut and also oven roasted potatoes. And my Grandma now always makes potato salad without sausage, which is so sweet of her!
Being vegan - my family is not for it. So I haven't talked about my plans. There were many arguments regarding it at the dinner table, because I mentioned that my friend had been vegan for years.
Then we of course had dessert, which was deconstructed cookie cake. And we had a lot oh mandarins, gingerbreads, chocolate, apple pie etc. Too much. I am telling you, I ate so much that I couldn't even count the plates.
Now being back at home I have a real plan to eat less, skip meals and get the weight to go down. This is like some sort of an obsessive thought that I rely on when things are getting difficult. I always think that soon I will get back on track.

Then I came back to Tallinn and just couldn't do it. I just pushed all the restriction thoughts aside and ate breakfast, lunch and dinner. And had snacks. Didn't restrict at all.
For a few days I managed to try some new stuff, which was nice. I continued having Christmas by myself.

At the moment it is difficult. Or actually, it isn't. When I just am and don't think about it. On the moments where I weigh myself or look into the mirror, then it is difficult.
Yesterday I cried a little and felt really stressed, but at the same time... I can see my thoughts revolving around food more and more again and it is awful. I don't want to go back to where I was last summer. Where I couldn't focus on anything except for food and restriction and I always only thought about what I was going to eat for my next meal. I want to... live normally. Not think about food and not make plans for the next week. Currently I live like this. Whenever someone tells me that let's order food on Saturday, I start to think ahead about what to get. And I always pick the "healthy" option. And then I pick something with less calories, not something I acutally want to have. :S
But in general I wanted to say that it is tough. Sometimes every bite is a fight. Sometimes I feel so anxious that my head is spinning and I have these waves of hot and cold run over me. And then there is anger. Every time I step on the scale and the weight hasn't gone down by at least a little (or worse, when I have gained some grams), I feel the urge to hurt myself. I close my eyes and swallow the tears, hands shaking and desperation flowing over me. Then I sit and think and write on paper how much and what I have eaten, how many calories it is and how much I am still allowed to eat.
On some evenings I don't feel hungry at all and think that I should skip the meal. I could easily do this. But something in the ACT of eating is what I like. And then comes to play me eating a lot of vegetables, as it lasts longer. I want to elongate the process of eating, I feel as if I am not satisfied if I eat a small amount. This makes me really annoyed. Every day I think that I will do this and that and then something messes up my plans. D:
Anyway, things have not been nice and I am so stressed. I just want to get this "I don't care" mood back, because right now I care a little too much.
I am doing home office until the end of the year and my computer is set up in the kitchen. Not the best combo. But I don't have a desk elsewhere and if I laid on my couch, I wouldn't be able to do anything. So yeah, I am sitting in the kitchen, dreaming about food, looking at food and trying to write down some law stuff.
For a few days now I have walked a little more. Not as much as I used to, but still a little. This is good. I feel like I don't HAVE to walk, but it is nice to do it, smell fresh air and enjoy the snow. It is so nice outside! It is also a bit cold, but oh well. It is good that I can buy frozen things from the store and they don't melt on the way home hahaha :D. Small joys, am I right.
And soon it is the end of the year. I thnk that maybe I will still set some goals. But they will be really personal so I won't write them down here. But I want to set some goals that are doable as well. I am generally good with promises, but only when I tell someone in real life.
This post is like a trainwreck, I started with something important, but now it is just a mess writen on an emotion. But oh well, it happens...

Yesterday I FINALLY made pureed soup. I have been wanting to do this for ages, that's why I asked for a blender last Christmas. :D It was about time to use it. I had pumpkin, carrots, onion, garlic, coconut milk and some seasoning (salt, pepper, tumeric, ginger, cumin, coriander and some garam masala curry powder) and it came out amazing. Now I can have it for lunch for a few days.
In general I have been meal preping a lot recently. I now have a decent sized freezer and I have put some of the stuff there. Like I had this leftover vegan pizza from my housewarming party and on one day I was like - dunno what to make for lunch - and then picked this. Put it in the microwave for a few minutes and I had a proper meal. Real nice!
Food, food, food, food. Why are you like this?! Why do I think about you all the freaking time?! I am eating enough. My weight is going up. And stillllll.
And I also wanted to wish you all a happy new year. Be strong!