1:41:00 AM
So from the first of January I started to live my vegan life. It has not been long, but I have discovered a lot of snacks to have, foods to have an several recipes to try. At the same time I am thinking that I won't throw away stuff that is not vegan. Like chocolates or cookies that I have already bought. I will come back to them in February and finish them off. I don't want to waste food.

What is surprising for me is the thing that every food item seems to have milk powder in it?! Like, I wanted to buy crisps, and all the packages I looked at - milk powder, milk powder, milk powder. Like why? :D Well, I did found some that just had potatoes, oil and salt, but there were only few like this. And also there isn't many other flavours. But I won't give up! I have found some things that are waiting for me to try them. I will write more about them when I am posting about vegan products I tried in January.
Anyway yes, it is interesting to discover and try new things. I need to think more about what I am eating. But yeah, it kind of bothers me that me as a new vegan have to check every single package to be sure. :D But well, I guess I will get used to it. Thus I like the stuff that have a vegan sign on them, then I am sure I can have it. :D Although it is nice to find accidentally vegan stuff.
Anyway today has been very good. I made a fry up with smoked tofu, potatoes, mushrooms and onion, inspired by a recipe I found online. I boiled the potatoes for a bit and then added it all to the pan. It tasted amazing. It would have been good without tofu as well, but it had become a fear food so I wanted to challenge myself. Anyway, it was tasty. Like I used to have fried potatoes with onion and ham for example? :D And this brought back those memories. And of course thanks to tofu I got some protein in. I have too many carbs I feel like. :D
What else have I had for dinners - well, those nori sausages (the ones I made myself were better, but they were okay too) and then I also added some pickled mushrooms and fried sauerkraut as well as potatoes with onion. I have had really simple meals. I would like to try out more recipes, but I don't like having the same meals for several days in a row. Like tomorrow I will have to have the tofu potato thing again, but yeah. It was at least very good. I think I wanna do the meal prep challenge at one point. Wanna make several foods to be ready for a week. And then I can have a meal every other day or so. Weird that my lunch on the other hand can be the same every day, haha. :D
What is in my menu today is also a full pint of vegan ice cream, I hope it tastes good. :D I haven't bought this company's ice cream before. And yes - I will have the whole pint. I can't just have some of it. Also lately I have been snacking less during the day and having more snacks in the evenings. Then I don't get this weird binge thing as well. Besides, I have enough food during the day and then during the snack times I don't even feel hungry. I am not even hungry during the night, but I just WANT stuff and I don't want to restrict it. Otherways I keep thinking about it and can't get my mind off of it.

Usually I would have thought that Halo Top ice cream only gives HALF of the calories, but at the same time - if you have tried it, you know it isn't very good. :D I like Breyers more, especially their vegan ice cream, which is nice. But still, I wanted to challenge myself extra hard and had a normal ice cream. Or well, vegan ice cream. But it is normal. It is kind of annoying to keep writing vegan ice cream... so if you read my posts in January, you should know I am referring to vegan stuff. :D
I bet that before falling asleep I keep looking at vegan recipes, as this is a whole new world. Exciting!
And on Wednesday I have a friend coming over, we are planning to order pizza from this one place. There are a few I still haven't tried. At one point I was like, I want some pizza and I was about to buy frozen one, when I remembered that we are going to have a pizza night anyway. :D Honestly, don't they have a regular customer program or something, I always get pizza from there. :D
Today morning I made a new kind of breakfast, but I will write about it at the end of January, as I decided to document all of my breakfasts. Anyway, it was a change from porridge, which I can't really believe. I wanted to make pancakes on another day, but I was too lazy. Maybe next weekend, we shall see!
There are several more challenges I started at the beginning of January. I am interested to see if I can stick to them. I have been doing well for three days. :D But when I came to work today, I almost faced a failure. We don't have plant milk at work! Luckily there is a store really close by and I managed to get some Alpro barista almond milk. Lucky! It is no life without coffee.
I feel a little bit better than I did when I was writing my previous post, but I still feel a bit "meeh". I try to focus on things I want to do, but there are... only few of them. But I guess I will write about them soon. As someone commented, maybe my hobbies would give some inspiration to others. My hobbies currently aren't as exciting as they used to be (like bouldering, but still, maybe it would be useful. And from you guys I would still like to know what you are DOING to survive this sitting at home due to corona thing. Oeh.
What promises did you make for the new year? I have to admit that my Coca Cola Zero addiction is still going strong. Can't help it... :D But I will stick to veganuary for sure! Also, if you really recommend some vegan products, that would be awesome and I will name my next 23 cats after you.