A week without spending - vol. 2
11:17:00 PMConsidering it is self quarantine time I decided to go a week without spending any money again.
For this, I went to a store during the weekend and bought everything I needed for the week. I also planned out every single meal. Maybe today I will still go to the store and get some dairy things, because I simply forgot about those and I cannot have my coffee without milk. So yeah. I will try not to spend any money besides that. (So, Signe, no online shopping either!). We shall see how it goes. Last time I could do it. I think this is a good challenge for this time. Also quite a lot of people have to stay at home and don't have a job currently, meaning that they want to spend less. Being prepared like this is a good way to do it.
For breakfast I had, as always, porridge with strawberries and banana. I still have porridge every single morning. I sometimes think that I should make something else, like toast or muesli or cereal, but then I feel this "but I love porridge so much" so why wouldn't I have this. Besides I can have toast or cereal later if I want to.
For lunch I had some jar soup (cabbage borcht). I got a jar of soup base and now on workdays I can have it as lunch. With some bread and lunch is served. And the curry cubes and ready it was.
For a snack I had rice cakes with honey and for another snack I had muesli with milk. And night snack was mango-vanilla ice cream that I have had in the freezer for a while, but I was too scared to have it.
For breakfast I had porridge again, because well, it is my fav.
For a snack I again had these rice cakes, as I wanted to finish them before having anything else.
For lunch I had soup again (very lazy).
And then for a snack I had kohuke (Estonian curd dessert). They have new flavours and they are now named after Tallinna, Riga and Vilnius. I picked Vilnius, which was with creme caramel. It wasn't the best that I have had, but it was still good. I love kohuke. :D Now that I have tried them all, I recommend Riga one the most.
For dinner we had buckwheat with sundried tomatoes, fresh tomatoes and some onion. I am not a huge fan of buckwheat, but for some reason I was craving it. Also it was a huge portion.
We also had some pomelo that I had bought in advance. These are still very good and fresh and I love them. It is a bit difficult to peel them, but it's fine,.
Also I went for a little walk - I didn't go to any of the stores and kept distance from other people. I feel so depressed just sitting at home - don't kill me.
For breakfast you can guess 3 times. Of course porridge. :D Luckily I am not running out of it yet - I have a whole other box ready to go. Lately I have had it with strawberries and banana, but I have a box of frozen mango ready to go as well. Also there is enough jam to last me for years. :D
For a snack we had some candies I got from Japan and it was still really good. :D
I have thought of ordering something from iherb, but this is just an idea. There are a lot of interesting things there that I would love to try. A lot of people order supplements and vitamins from there, but I have had food stuff only. For example seasonings and so on. I can't order anything right now though as I am doing this no spend challenge. :D Or like, 5 days, because I need to stock up on the weekend.
Today everyone got a message from Estonia's governement too, saying that people should remain indoors and it is not allowed for more than 2 people to be together. And you need to keep the distance of 2 meters from others. Getting this message was kind of creepy and it fel like the end of the world is indeed near.
This whole Corona situation is crazy and makes no sense. It feels like reading a book. But everything happens in real life!
I don't think it will be over soon. Probably need to remain in home office... at the moment at least things seem to remain the same. We shall see. I really hoped that Estonia wouldn't have any Corona deaths, but we have had 11 now. :( I wish regular life could just continue...
What else is new is that my cuts in my mouth from the braces are lot better and doesn't hurt as much anymore!
For lunch I had some soup again. We are growing spring onion and I could cut fresh spring onion on top of my soup - it was so nice. Felt like proper spring.
After lunch I had a snack of Tallinn kohuke, which was with blueberries. Not the best, but good enough to have again. :D
For dinner I made simple kimchi fried rice and added a fried egg on top of it. Really simple and fast dish to make. I have so much time at home though that I could easily make something that takes more time. But at the same time I want to stick with foods I have made before to make sure I don't waste ingredients and so on. It is important to just deal with this situation and not go to stores too often.
Do you have a meal that you love to have that thakes a long time to make? Or is there anything you really enjoy that is easy and fast?
For breakfast I had porridge.
For a snack I had rice cakes with cinnamon and apple - these are the best. I could have the whole bag in a day.
For lunch I had soup again, but it was the last portion. Tomorrow I need to come up with something else. Probably it will be an omelette, because we don't really have any more fresh stuff. But we have enough eggs.
For lunch snack I had Riga kohuke, which was the best one. Nice and caramelly.
For dinner I made grouts and potato mash with onion and served it with cottache cheese. At one point I made foods from different countries and this was a good one, my sister said she wouldn't mind having it again so we did. It is also very easy and fast - you just boil everything, fry up the onion and mix it all together. I think there was too much food in the end, but it was good. :D
And for a night snack we had some more pomelo. I don't know if I ever will get bored of it. :D
This is only today, but as I want to post it now, I will write down the plans.
For breakfast I had porridge with strawberries and banana.
For a snack I had some more rice cakes. Yes, I am obsessed.
For lunch I will make an omelette with sundried tomatoes and cheese. I really love sundried tomatoes - they are so nice and always elevate the food. Also there is a hack - use the oil they are in to fry up stuff. It adds so much to the food. It is like flavoured oil. :D
For dinner I am going to make sweet potato with beans in chilli sauce and tomato-cottage cheese salad as a side. I also had an idea about making banana-rye muffins, but we are going to have some more ice cream instead. :D If I will make the muffins at some point, I will make sure to blog about it.
So how is your eating in isolation? Have you prepared all the foods or do you still go to store quite often? Or do you order deliveries? I would like having a food delivery, but at the same time I like doing food shopping.
Anyway I will continue posting on Mondays and Fridays from now on again. If there is anything you would like to read about, just let me know!