First day at home

11:34:00 PM


When I got out on Friday, I went to my parents' place and took a bus back to home on Saturday. I think I will post separately about foods and how my normal days are going to look like. I just wanted to write initial emotions down.

  1. 1. It is weird. All the things are different. For example I couldn't even hold on to my cup normally, because I was used to holding hospital cups. :D What kind of logic is that? And the shower also. So not used to the one at home.
  2. I feel as if there was no hospital. It is weird to think that I was away for two months and the world kept spinning during this time. I felt like life was paused for me, although others kept living. 
  3. I finally saw my cat. I think he is a bit upset with me, because if I don't grab him and hold him on my lap, he doesn't really want to be touched.
  4. I think I am in a good mood. Actually I am not sure what is "good mood", but I think the mood I was in on Saturday, is that. I think normal people feel like this.
  5. My insides hurt. I don't know if it was because of eating or what, but I feel heavy and disgusting. I see my body differently, so I am trying to avoid mirrors. I told my psychologist about it and she agreed that doing yoga would be good - it helps to see your body in a correct way and feel it normally once again.
  6. I can have tea! So much and different ones! Hallelujah! I will be posting tea-related thing, that is long overdue. And I have been wanting to tell you about the tea store that gave me 20 % off and sent me such a nice parcel.
  7. I can make food and try things. I went to the store with my sister and made oven baked gnocchi with paprica and I could add seasonings and enjoy it! I will keep posting my sweets reviews, as food is cool.
  8. I could make porridge for breakfast! Before going to the hospital, I was really scared of even porridge, today I added two huge spoonfuls of chai spice mix and there was no problem.
  9. I can try all the products I have been sent! For example I am going to make falafels (as Globus Estonia sent me chickpeas), because I have been craving for it.
  10. I have energy to walk up the stairs. Getting home with three huge bags, it was not difficult to walk to the fifth floor. It was really easy. Weird. I am not panting. My feet feel lighter. I feel like I could run a marathon.

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